Big shipment of hospital beds and wheelchairs to Fiji

Big shipment of hospital beds and wheelchairs to Fiji
Posted by Geoff Croad on Jan 23, 2025
![]() Also yesterday a number of our members assisted in loading our ute & trailer with the the remaining 3 pallets of 36 wheelchairs plus a number of white boards, being part of the shipment to Fiji. With the assistance of Bryan Tuesley, Rick Old and Rick Parry, the balance of 3 medical beds , 3 mattress and 64 'Rough Terrain' wheelchairs were loaded on to another truck this morning. Rick Old and myself delivered them to RAWCS/RARE at Alexandra Hills, to be loaded into the container with the 18 beds etc for shipment to a Hospital in Fiji. This is a joint project with the Archerfield Rotary Club who provided the 40ft container organised by Ray Deen and also John Paskin Manager of RAWCS/RARE Alexander Hills who is organising the shipment of the Container, with 21 Hospital Beds & 21 Mattress plus 100 wheelchairs. I would also like to thank all the members of the Surfers Sunrise Rotary Wheelchair factory for their full support and dedication in the manufacture of these wheelchairs. (Picture, by Geoff Croad: John Thompson, Brendan Aspery, Don Ferguson, Rick Parry. More pictures on our Facebook page) |
Big shipment of hospital beds and wheelchairs to Fiji | Geoff Croad | 2025-01-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Sawdust Vaccuum at the project shed
Posted on Dec 27, 2024
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New Sawdust Vaccuum at the project shed | Franz Huber | 2024-12-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bikes for St John's Crisis Centre
Posted by AL Sirovs on Dec 27, 2024
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Bikes for St John's Crisis Centre | AL Sirovs | 2024-12-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Christmas breakfast
Posted by Franz Huber on Dec 18, 2024
![]() Great Christmas breakfast was had this morning at the Spit Restaurant. (So I'm told by President Andy Bell - regrettably your Editor wasn't able to attend this year). Here are a heap of photos sent to me by Andy - thank you! More photos in our Photo Album section on the right. Wishing you all a joyous festive season, and a smooth slide into the new year. Catch up with you at our first meeting on 8th January (social meeting), or first "formal" meeting on 15th January. |
Great Christmas breakfast | Franz Huber | 2024-12-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our volunteers: Damian Knoll
Posted by Franz Huber on Dec 11, 2024
Being an all-rounder, Damian changed from running a restaurant to running his own roofing and roof restoration business. Then disaster struck: two years ago, he suffered a severe mental breakdown. “I don’t mind talking about it” he said, “it’s one of the most horrifying experiences”. Professional treatment allows him to steadily rebuild his life. “Joining the team at the shed has been massively helpful to improve my condition, it has real benefits for me. The beauty of my coming here is that I can work within a group of friends, in a no-pressure environment. And I know that my work results in helping other people”. In his spare time, Damian enjoys Golf, spending quality time with his children and listening to music, such as George Michael. And he reads and watches… Astro-physics science related stuff, such as Brian Cox and Sean Caroll… Good to have you on our team, Damian! |
Meet our volunteers: Damian Knoll | Franz Huber | 2024-12-10 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shed Volunteers' Christmas Luncheon
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() The Project Shed volunteers had their annual Christmas Luncheon on Saturday. Photo (by Al Sirovs) shows our President Andy Bell in full swing giving a rousing Christmas oration! Now, if you check out the Photo Album (on the right), you'll find a few photos from Lelepa Island, Vanuatu. It is as good proof as any I've seen to depict the difference a "Rough Terrain" wheelchair makes to its recipient. Check it out again. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for all the work you have done over the past year. Looking forward to another year of making "Rough Terrain" wheelchairs. Every one you make will provide the gift of mobility to a disabled child or adult somewhere on one of the South Pacific islands, or PNG, or Africa, or... |
Shed Volunteers' Christmas Luncheon | Franz Huber | 2024-12-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surfers Sunrise well represented at The Rotary Foundation Seminar
Posted by Franz Huber on Nov 17, 2024
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Surfers Sunrise well represented at The Rotary Foundation Seminar | Franz Huber | 2024-11-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
St John's Crisis Centre needs to prepare 250 Hampers
Posted by Franz Huber on Nov 17, 2024
![]() There are several options: bring along a gift suitable for a child aged i[ to 17 years, unwrapped. It is a massive job, so they request them to be delivered no later than Monday, 9th December. You can either bring it along to one of our meetings, or deliver them personally to the Church of the Holy Spirit, 73 Salerno Drive, Isle of Capri. Check out the PDF in the Download Section on the right, which contains a specific list of goods they require. Alternatively, you can simply drop off a gift voucher, or give it to Mario at one of our upcoming meetings.
St John's Crisis Centre needs to prepare 250 Hampers | Franz Huber | 2024-11-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thank you from Lelepa Island, Vanuatu
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Hi guys I really thank you for all of your help with the wheel chairs for Lelepa island. The chairs which were delivered yesterday and were so warmly received by the 6 people it was really touching. The boy who got the chair name is Kiki, he is 17 years old and has some physical and mental difficulties. As is has gotten older it has become more and more difficult to leave the house as he needs to be carried, so most of his time is spent on a mat in the main living area. He was so excited to get the chair he could not stop laughing and waving his arms around. The difference the chair has made to his life is truly incredible. Again thank you. Regards Brad and the Lelepa Village (and Kiki) So, did you ever wonder if your efforts really would make a difference? Give yourself a pat on the back! Check out the Photo Album on the right for more photos |
Thank you from Lelepa Island, Vanuatu | Franz Huber | 2024-11-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kal Glanznig – “Ambassador for the Sea”
Posted by Franz Huber on Oct 30, 2024
Sutherland Shire (Sydney) awarded him the Young Australian of the Year in 2020, and in 2023 Environmental Citizen of the Year. Before that, whilst in High School, he raised $100,000 to put solar panels on his High School, and and … There is more, much more, but I better start telling you what Kal’s visit to Surfers Sunrise was all about: Ocean pollution. For example: Roughly in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. you will find a floating “island” of discarded rubbish, predominantly plastic (as in empty bottles, shopping bags, packaging), two times the size of New South Wales. No, no kidding; read that again. And when you think that a plastic bottle takes 450 years (e.g. until the year 2674) to bio-degrade in the ocean, be assured that the problem will not go away by itself. The only solution is education – world wide, at all levels. Methinks that Kal has set himself a “Moon Shot” project. But then, if as little as 30 years ago, you had predicted that by 2024 practically anyone, anywhere in the world, can talk free of charge to anyone else, anywhere else in the world… what would you have been called? Kal, “I dips me lid”, and we all wish you every success in your endeavours. A copy of Kal’s presentation is available for download in the Download Section on the right. You can also access a movie trailer and a video: Click here and Click here. Photo: Kal with Larry Murray. |
Kal Glanznig – “Ambassador for the Sea” | Franz Huber | 2024-10-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record number of players on Surfers Sunrise Golf Day
Posted by Franz Huber
This year's Surfers Sunrise Golf Day has just concluded. With well over 90 players, a record (and, I dare say, most likely also a record fundraising effort). Photo is of the winning Corporate Team: Astill Cronin Lawyers. Golf Day organiser Charles Thomasson (second from left) introduces Glenn Screech, Ashley Cronin, Glenn O'Kearney and Ethan Ahrens. The same team also won the overall competition. Photo Album is now uploaded - see segment on the right. Full report in next week's bulletin.
Record number of players on Surfers Sunrise Golf Day | Franz Huber | 2024-10-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Visitors from Scotland visiting our project shed
Posted by Franz Huber on Oct 27, 2024
![]() (Photo, from left: Wheelchair Trust Chairman Geoff Croad, Alison & Ron Borland (Mermaid Beach RC), the three Scots John Owens, Sheena & Fraser McGillivray, Christine O'Connor (Mermaid Beach RC)
Visitors from Scotland visiting our project shed | Franz Huber | 2024-10-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's speaker: Jesse Dixon
Posted by Franz Huber on Oct 04, 2024
In the photo, Jesse holds the first ever GoKart steering wheel, when a very supportive mum encouraged him to take racing seriously. Meanwhile, he runs the Dixon Racing Academy, with "the singular mission to be the ultimate driver academy for racers at all levels" His facilities include a simulator, so tuition can occur in a safe (and far less costly if you crash) environment. Jesse indicated that he would be happy to host a vocational visit - we'll organise this for sometimes in February/March 2025. Watch this spot. One final must watch item: click on this link to view a video where he demonstrates a 'Hot Lap' to a lady who has never been in a race car. Sound is useful, but not essential - just watch her expressions. It went viral, and no wonder! There is also a copy of his PowerPoint presentation (in PDF format) in the Dowload Files section on the right.
Last Wednesday's speaker: Jesse Dixon | Franz Huber | 2024-10-03 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our Volunteers: Rick Parry
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() anything the full-time guys can, but I can also do the civilian thing” he replied. His varied deployments included a total of 5 years full-time service. He was tested as a Navy Diver (where he busted his ear drums) so had to change to a Gunnery Sailor up to the rank of Petty Officer. Then he was commissioned as an officer, retiring as a Lieutenant-Commander (equivalent to Major in the Army). Rick served in various deployments including the United Nations, the Australian Navy, The US Navy, and other coalition forces. In “civilian” life he worked with the Department of the Navy for 5 years, then moved to the Commonwealth Employment Service (CES) and ultimately… the Australian Taxation Office, helping businesses to get on top of the newly introduced GST at the turn of the Century. He was then snatched up by the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to do the same thing over there. Personal life? Believe it: yes, he does have one! He married Sharon in 1996, and together they travel, both locally (caravanning) and internationally. For some extra excitement: hunting and fishing when time allows, and perhaps reading the occasional Lee Childs novel, spy books, or watch a Wolverine movie. I keep being astounded when I see the wide range of professional backgrounds of our volunteers! |
Meet our Volunteers: Rick Parry | Franz Huber | 2024-09-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We need raffle prizes for the Golf Day!
Posted by Ross Augustine
![]() Please contact Ross directly on, thank you. Want to promote the event? Download the brochure - see Download Files on the right, which includes the link to book.
We need raffle prizes for the Golf Day! | Ross Augustine | 2024-09-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last week's guest speaker: Cindy Donald – Raise Foundation
Posted by Franz Huber on Sep 04, 2024
Since Rotary is strictly non-political, it is not within the scope of this article to find out what is being done (or not done) by government. But what a breath of fresh air: Cindy briefed us this morning on what her private organisation, the Raise Foundation, very effectively is doing about this: Early Intervention. Working with High Schools, the concept is to pair individual youths who are considered to be at risk with an adult mentor from her organisation. What is required to be a mentor? Other than the obvious attributes and attitude, you need to be available for 2 hours every week (at the same time), for 20 weeks (during school times). Full training is provided. Why not ask for an Info Session? Click here. Or view their very informative website. You can download Cindy’s PowerPoint presentation, on which all the major points are listed, from our Download Section on the right. (Photo: Cindy Donald with our meeting chairman Trent Belling (left) and President Andy Bell) |
Last week's guest speaker: Cindy Donald – Raise Foundation | Franz Huber | 2024-09-03 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 21/08/24: Lutzy Award presentation
Posted by Franz Huber on Aug 19, 2024
This is one of our premier events of the year. Created in honour of our late member Keith Lutz, the award, in the form of a fully fledged surf ski, is presented to a young emerging leader personality, nominated by the Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club. (Picture: last year's winner, Mia Watson (centre) with Keith's widow, Jan Lutz and the 2022 winner Pieta Jackman.
This Wednesday 21/08/24: Lutzy Award presentation | Franz Huber | 2024-08-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Science of Kieser - Kane Chisholm & David Adamo
Posted by Franz Huber on Aug 07, 2024
Before you start reading: perhaps download the PowerPoint file from the Download Section on the right. We were unable to show it this morning; regrettably, the big screen in the upstairs venue refused to cooperate with our guest speaker's computer. Kane Chisholm and David Adamo came strongly recommended by our member Angus Miller, who is subscribing to their program of improving one’s health by a relatively brief, but regular strength training program. Our guests are the local operators of the Gold Coast franchise of this worldwide program. Not only are highly qualified, but they really know what they are talking about. We had almost record attendance this morning, so the subject is obviously of great interes. The vigorous question time is clear proof. So, why should you seriously consider the Kieser method? Look at the second slide (Benefits of Strength Training): all the principal benefits are listed there. For me personally, the “greater function and independence (as one gets older), would be the most important. Too young? Too old? Their clients age range is from 13 to 91 years old... Now, of course you could do your own strength training, either at home or at a “standard” gym. But… the equipment at Kieser isn’t available at a normal gym. Nor will you find the advice and supervision of a tertiary qualified Exercise Scientist and Exercise Physiologist. In view of the strong interest shown this morning, it was decided that we’ll organise an on-site Vocational Outing to their clinic. This is tentatively set for Wednesday 13th November 2024, in place of a standard meeting. Photo: David Adamo (left) and Kane Chisholm (right) |
The Science of Kieser - Kane Chisholm & David Adamo | Franz Huber | 2024-08-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday: The Science of Kieser![]() |
This coming Wednesday: The Science of Kieser | Franz Huber | 2024-07-31 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Good (though short) working bee at the shed![]() |
Good (though short) working bee at the shed | Franz Huber | 2024-07-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not ALL wheelchairs at Surfers Sunrise are "Rough Terrain"...
Posted by Franz Huber on Jun 21, 2024
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Not ALL wheelchairs at Surfers Sunrise are "Rough Terrain"... | Franz Huber | 2024-06-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bruce Howlett: Malaria Vaccine Project
Posted by Franz Huber on Jun 13, 2024
Bruce Howlett (a member of the RC of Burleigh Heads, is the Vice Chairman of one of Rotary's most audacious endeavours, the Malaria Vaccine Project. At our meeting last Wednesday, Bruce enriched us with how it It started, and what it's current status is. It's happening right here on the Gold Coast, at the local campus of Griffith University's Institute of Glycomics. The project commenced back in 2015 by PDG Sandra Doumany and her husband Sam Doumany, as well as PDG Prof Graham Jones. Bruce gave us a very factual presentation on how the project started and where it is at present. To the uninitiated, having "commenced human trials" might not sound much, but let me tell you: this is a massive milestone! Next: human trials in a country that is severely affected, such as PNG or an African country. The ultimate target: the elimination of Malaria worldwide. Check Bruce's slide presentation in the Downloads section on the right. Photo: Bruce Howlett with our Meeting Chairman of the day, Geoff Croad. |
Bruce Howlett: Malaria Vaccine Project | Franz Huber | 2024-06-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 12th June: Bruce Howlett
Posted by Franz Huber on Jun 08, 2024
This coming Wednesday 12th June: Bruce Howlett | Franz Huber | 2024-06-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last week’s speaker: Ralph Pownall
Posted by Franz Huber on May 31, 2024
![]() For decades, Ralph has been a registered valuer of gemstones, specialising in opals. He also has, for decades, taught opal gem cutting at TAFE. Did you know that, on a per carat basis, opals are more valuable than diamonds? “But diamonds are forever” ![]() Ralph had several humorous as well as instructional stories to share from his time in the opal fields out west. Sorry, you should have been there! Good to have you back at Surfers Sunrise, Ralph! |
Last week’s speaker: Ralph Pownall | Franz Huber | 2024-05-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
You might say "Big deal, so, we "bought a brick"
Posted by Franz Huber on May 31, 2024
![]() Just as Surfers Sunrise, Broadbeach and Gold Coast Rotary clubs built an X-Ray Unit in remote Pentecost Island, Vanuatu, there was a desperate need in that Himalayan region. But it wasn't just the building: they also supplied desks, chairs, a smart TV (the school's first ever!) and facilities fo provide dental care for the village. Our congratulations go to Hervey Bay Sunrise for the successful completion of this project. Rotary in its truest form! |
You might say "Big deal, so, we "bought a brick" | Franz Huber | 2024-05-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheelchairs sent to Zambia 15 years ago still in service!
Posted by Franz Huber on May 24, 2024
![]() Well, not so fast: Recently, incoming Wheelchair Trust Chairman Geoff Croad received a photo from Pastor Ken Wigglesworth from the Spirit of Life Church, of 5 of our wheelchairs they had delivered to the Mahatma Ghandi Memorial Clinic in Zambia - back in May 2009, i.e. 15 years ago. And they are still very much in use! At that time, 64 of them were despatched, shortly to be followed by another 140! (see snippet of our club bulletin of 13/05/2009). Good to receive some feedback! ![]() |
Wheelchairs sent to Zambia 15 years ago still in service! | Franz Huber | 2024-05-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surfers Sunrise was well represented at the District Conference
Posted by Franz Huber
Surfers Sunrise Rotary was well represented at Saturday's District Conference in Ballina. Picture includes the President of Mermaid Beach RC, Gillian Reeve (you recall, she spoke at our club recently about her experiences of administering the Polio vaccine in India) who came over to say hello... Very good conference, top keynote speakers, good company, good fellowship, well organised. |
Surfers Sunrise was well represented at the District Conference | Franz Huber | 2024-05-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Top keynote speakers at the District Conference
Posted by Franz Huber on May 18, 2024
![]() But one of today's speakers, the Very Reverend Morgan Batt, is not your everyday priest. During his keynote address at the conference in Ballina he had the entire audience hanging on his every word. One moment we would be heartily laughing, then dreading what might follow. I give you an example: On one of his first postings in Guatemala in 1992 (yes, Guatemala, right in the middle of its major civil unrest), he politely enquired where the current ‘Padre’ was? “He was executed a couple of weeks ago” they said… It was not long after when he found himself with a gun pointed at his head… Well, since he spoke to us today, he obviously must have survived it. Fr Morgan Batt claims to have performed the highest altitude mass ever, when he climbed Mt Everest. The North Face, not the main route. Bivouacking overnight near the summit at over 8000 metres, he found himself awakening next to his climbing mate who had passed away during the night. Then came the task of bringing the body back down. Towards the end of his speech, I found myself somewhat flustered when I realised that I had, literally, forgotten to keep taking notes. I think the correct English descriptive word is ‘mesmerizing’. Or should it be ‘tantalising’? Invigorating, challenging, arresting? Stimulating? Perhaps all of these. And there were seven other major presentations today as well! A big ‘Thank You!’ goes to DG Dave Harmon & Robbii and his conference team. A very well organised and smoothly run conference indeed. |
Top keynote speakers at the District Conference | Franz Huber | 2024-05-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's guest speaker: Susan Sheehan
Posted by Franz Huber on May 15, 2024
![]() If you need a speaker, particularly one who can address youth (or youth affairs), Susan is your woman. Navigate to her website: (Photo: Susan Sheehan with our meeting Chairman of the day, Andy Bell) |
Last Wednesday's guest speaker: Susan Sheehan | Franz Huber | 2024-05-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
IMHO U R ovreactng
Posted by Franz Huber on May 06, 2024
![]() OK, so we oldies have scratched our heads trying to decipher TXT abbreviations. (For those of you who are struggling with the above: IMHO = In My Humble Opinion, bcs = because, SWYP = So what’s your problem? OMG = Oh my god, AFAIK = As far as I know. KISS has been used for decades. Of greater concern is the emerging bad habit of leaving out punctuation (and not just by young people!). The most popularly quoted case in point is ‘A woman without her man is nothing’. With punctuation: ‘A woman: without her, man is nothing.’ [Yes, Henrietta, you did tell me. Ad nauseam...] Or, as Shakespeare may have written: ‘Good Lementio, who calls at the gate? ‘My lord, a woman without; her man is nothing. ‘Bid her enter then, and show her man to the livery. But I digress… May is Youth Service Month. Throughout the world, Rotary Clubs expend serious time, money and effort on Youth projects. Seeing that modern youth seems to mostly ignore convention on many fronts, are our hard raised funds really well spent? OK, let me go back a little, say 20 years. Young people (and those young at heart) embraced email with gusto. But there were still an awful lot of people who refused to participate in this novel method of communication and continued… faxing. Yes, they did! SWUP? Language and methods continually evolve, particularly as we move from the written to the spoken word - as in listening to podcasts or talking into our Smartphone “OK Google, what time is our Zoom meeting today?”. But what has changed very little over the decades, indeed over centuries, millennia, is leadership. Leadership can be learned. Leadership can be coached. Rotary’s Youth programs are just as important today as they have always been. According to the ABS, our target demographic (aged 14 – 24), make up 14% of our population. That’s roughly 3 ½ Million people. Without resorting to platitudes, it is our responsibility to help the generations following us to maximize their leadership potential. Yeah – u rely dont get how awesome an opp u provide to young ppl and u shud all b very proud of ur work! (Get full details of our District's Youth Programs from - Top right side.) |
IMHO U R ovreactng | Franz Huber | 2024-05-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conference Keynote speaker: Craig Foster AM - Socceroo
Posted by Franz Huber on May 06, 2024
![]() As Rotarians, Human Rights must play a major role in our lives and in our thinking and attitudes. Whatever your views are on refugees, here is a man that's worth listening to! |
Conference Keynote speaker: Craig Foster AM - Socceroo | Franz Huber | 2024-05-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gillian Reeve - Administring Polio Vaccine in India
Posted by Franz Huber on May 01, 2024
And the rest, as they say, is history? Far from it! The work Gillian and her co-travellers did, as with all the Polio Plus efforts, will have ongoing effect: the ultimate eradication of the Polio virus. But, how do you round up the children, 5 years old or younger, in an Indian city, including those living in a slum? By telling them to be at such-and-such place by XX:00 hours? No! Together with the local Rotary Club and the town’s government, you organise a march through the town to advertise the event. You put a booth in a very busy main street. Then you apply the vaccine (orally, 2 drops), and paint their “pinky” fingernail purple. Other than the obvious reason, this is to ensure they don’t come back a second time to collect the soft toy each child gets as a present… 😊 Helped by local health workers, they would even stop motorbikes with small kid passengers, they applied some 295 doses on just the first day. Then, onto the slum areas… Gillian went there in 2015, 2016, 2018 and would have returned again in 2019, but “the Indian Government had run out of vaccine”. Anti-vaxxers? “Of all people, only one refused” Gillian declared. Officially, India is Polio free since 2014, but as there are still cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan, eternal vigilance is the word. By the way: how do you determine whether a child is 5 years old or younger? “You ask them to reach with their left arm over their head to touch the right ear. If they are younger, they can't do it” she said. Come on! Next time you meet a toddler, find out yourself! Gillian’s PowerPoint pictorial (in PDF format) is available for download - see Download section on the right. (Photo: Gillian with President Doug Lipp) |
Gillian Reeve - Administring Polio Vaccine in India | Franz Huber | 2024-04-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to our newest member: Dr Elizabeth CeliElizabeth works as a psychologist, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) trauma clinician and author, with a focus on complex PTSD. She is an experienced Rotarian and is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Mt Martha, (Melbourne, VIC). In our club, she has requested to be assigned to the Rotary Foundation committee. Welcome to Surfers Sunrise, Dr Elizabeth! (Photo with President Doug Lipp) |
Welcome to our newest member: Dr Elizabeth Celi | Franz Huber | 2024-03-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday’s guest speaker: Angie Bell MP, Member for Moncrief
Posted by Franz Huber on Mar 08, 2024
Naturally, as a member of the Liberal Party, Angie touched on her party's policies, including the distinct difference of wanting to open the conversation to consider nuclear energy (note: energy, not weapons) to provide stable and secure electricity for our households and for industry. On the local scene, Angie formed the ‘Moncrief Community Cabinet’ and the ‘Gold Coast Youth Cabinet’. Both are designed for a simple and straight purpose: to hear the views of representatives, “real” representatives, of her community. Last March, she organised ‘Impact Gold Coast’, a Youth Summit, which brought together 200 young people, representing various demographics from across the Gold Coast. For our club, Angie was instrumental in helping us to obtain several grants; the most recent one was to enable the purchase of a new electric forklift for our project shed. Thank you, Angie, for the work you do for our community and the nation at large. (Photo: Angie Bell MP with the meeting chairman, Adrian Crowe. PS: When somebody quipped "are you dressed up for a job interview?" her answer was that "in my job, every day is a job interview!" ☺) |
Last Wednesday’s guest speaker: Angie Bell MP, Member for Moncrief | Franz Huber | 2024-03-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fundraising Chief Ross Augustine lands a big one
Posted by Franz Huber on Feb 10, 2024
![]() ![]() Fabulous news; congratulations, Ross. Give yourself a pat on the back!
Fundraising Chief Ross Augustine lands a big one | Franz Huber | 2024-02-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Charles Thomasson - 'Great Expectations'
Posted by Franz Huber on Feb 08, 2024
As always, Charles was at pains to emphasise that his talk was “general advice only”. Still, some very pertinent facts surfaced. For example, Charles elaborated on the “Weighting” of different cyclical sectors in his company’s (Wilson Advisory) standard portfolio, e.g. where he is “overweight” and where they are “underweight”. Charles discussed various stocks, the weighting of different sectors in his company’s standard portfolios (see his Wilson Advisory report in the Download Section). Note: this file is not the same as he used in his presentation, which he suggested would “not be suitable for disclosure to the public”. Sorry peeps, you should have been there! Photo: Charles (left) with meeting chairman of the day, Peter Morgan. PS: Fans of Charles Dickens would know that ‘Great Expectations’ in 1860-61 was originally published in weekly episodes, and promoted as a "coming of age story", a comic novel, crime fiction, a Gothic novel, a silver fork novel, a historical novel". So, just where does the Stock Market differ then? Ed.
Charles Thomasson - 'Great Expectations' | Franz Huber | 2024-02-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's speaker: Thomas Robinson
Posted by Franz Huber on Jan 27, 2024
He spent 20 years in IT (“I stumbled into jobs”, he said) in web hosting, sales of services to business at Melbourne IT, one of the very original major IT enterprises (originally owned by Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull). “Average”, huh? Yeah. Right. Anyway, some 5 years ago, he decided to switch tack and embark on a career in professional community services, with Mission Australia. “Mission Australia has some 500 programs to choose from”, Thomas remarked. He selected Youth Support, counselling young people aged 15 - 24. His work involves the entire spectrum: finding them employment, housing, education, and providing life guidance. “Often, I support people who have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Anxiety, complex trauma background, or generational unemployment”, he said. His tertiary qualifications include a Diploma of Community Services and a Diploma of Counselling. And what does he do in his spare time? “I go and explore nature with my son, motorbiking, or magnet fishing”. Magnet fishing? That’s when you aim to catch anything that hangs on to a magnet, as in stuff people have thrown off a bridge. “You’d be amazed at some of the stuff that comes up!”, he jested. And very much worth mentioning: Thomas is also a member of the Reserve Army, a Reserve Rifleman. Throughout the world, Rotarians aim to make the world a better place. It’s good to have members in our club who, including his mentor Evan Mita, also do so professionally. Welcome to the club, Thomas! |
Last Wednesday's speaker: Thomas Robinson | Franz Huber | 2024-01-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vale Bruce Pallesen![]() This picture was taken in September 2020 at the shed. We also have a write-up about him in the archives of our website - click here to access it. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday 31st January, 9:55 am - 11:25 am (AEST), at Somerville Funerals, 44 Nind Street, Southport. |
Vale Bruce Pallesen | Franz Huber | 2024-01-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
January is Vocational Service Month
Posted by Franz Huber on Jan 07, 2024
![]() The international monthly Rotary theme for January is what in the “good ol' days” used to be one of Rotary’s major Avenues of Service: Vocational Service. Since Eliot’s time, lots of changes relating to vocations have happened, and lots of prognoses have been made. 40 years ago it was the demise of the Industrial Age, which was replaced by the “Information Revolution”. Indeed, this has largely happened; in case you haven’t noticed: We are right in it. Today’s plain vanilla mobile phone, with a measly 64 Gigabytes of memory, is roughly 250 times as powerful as the Commonwealth Bank’s mainframe computer of the mid-1970’s (it had 256 Megabytes of RAM). On top of this, it has access to unlimited information of the Internet. And now, the next major disruptor is the combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Biotechnology, which will have a far greater impact. AI has been around for decades - refer to the spell checker (ca 1984) through to Google Maps (ca 2005) and now Chat GPT and a whole swag of others, not so well published (2023). Yet, whilst the method by which we do things may change, the ethical principles as depicted in the Objects of Rotary have not changed. Click on this link for the complete set of Rotary’s Guiding Principles. For this article, it's the second object that is relevant: “High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.” |
January is Vocational Service Month | Franz Huber | 2024-01-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Christmas Breakfast with a difference |
A Christmas Breakfast with a difference | Franz Huber | 2024-01-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Andy Bell is President Elect 2024-25
Posted by Franz Huber on Dec 14, 2023
![]() Andy brings some considerable experience in the job with him - in addition to numerous other senior roles and board positions, he was President in the 2017/18 year.
Andy Bell is President Elect 2024-25 | Franz Huber | 2023-12-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorry, we have been unable to deliver your parcel…
Posted by Franz Huber on Nov 30, 2023
![]() |
Sorry, we have been unable to deliver your parcel… | Franz Huber | 2023-11-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to two new Surfers Sunrise Rotarians!![]() ![]() ![]() But wait, there’s more! Ralph is not only a Charter Member of our club (chartered in January 1987), but in 1989/90 was our third President!
Welcome to two new Surfers Sunrise Rotarians! | Franz Huber | 2023-11-28 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Damian Hussey - Cinematographer, Writer, Film Director
Damian Hussey - Cinematographer, Writer, Film Director | Franz Huber | 2023-11-15 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surfers Sunrise Golf Day is next Monday
Posted on Oct 22, 2023
![]() This year's Surfers Sunrise Golf Day will be held on Monday, 30th October 2023, at the usual location, the Surfers Paradise Golf Club. It will be a 'Shotgun Start' at 12:00 pm (registration from 11:00 am). Several options:
Chief organizers Doug Lipp and Charles Thomasson are looking both for players, helpers as well as Raffle Prizes. ![]() Secure online booking site is now open. Click on this link, or scan the QR Code: |
Surfers Sunrise Golf Day is next Monday | Franz Huber | 2023-10-21 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
October is Economic and Community Development month
Posted by Franz Huber on Oct 05, 2023
“Economic and Community Development” sounds like some BIG thing, something that one would expect the Federal Treasurer or the UN to tackle. Lots of big speeches, platitudes, committees, enquiries. How could a little Rotary club like ours possibly get involved, not to mention make a difference? Or could we? ![]() Our club’s Wheelchairs project is as much a community service project as it is an international service project. Our volunteers enjoy the twice-weekly companionship of their fellow workers, whilst they are “doing good”. Our club supports a number of local projects, such as Angel Flight (last year’s District Governor’s personal project) and this year, the major beneficiaries of our Golf Day are Pancare Aid and the Police Citizen’s Youth Club. Yes, a small club CAN make a difference. As a member of one of the most trusted organisations in the world, YOU and I can make a difference, by participating in events, by promoting Rotary. |
October is Economic and Community Development month | Franz Huber | 2023-10-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The team that re-erected the X-Ray Unit on Pentecost Island
Posted by Franz Huber on Sep 23, 2023
(from left): Matt Hayward, Kristen 'KJ' Jewson, John Groves (the master builder), Mitch Brown, Ava Pearson, Hudson Sirovs, Al Sirovs and (front) Dan Snart. Not your average meeting last Wednesday: Not only did we welcome a new member (see separate article above), but the team that went to Pentecost Island, Vanuatu to erect the X-Ray Unit at Mauna Health Centre fronted the club. This wasn’t a simple task by any means: Master Builder John Groves eloquently outlined the enormous task of getting the X-Ray and Pathology Lab Unit built. After a two day trip, by Air to Port Vila, then by ‘Rock Hopper’ plane to Lonorore and a three-hour boat trip to the Mauna Health Centre, the task was to unpack the “flat pack” building which was shipped in two containers from our project shed in Arundel in February this year. There isn't much flat space there! To get it up the hill and re-erect it was a massive task. “Without the huge work of locals, it would never have happened”, John said. Hard work it might have been, but the team was unanimous in declaring the exercise as a “once in a lifetime experience”. Twelve days of basic accommodation in a guest house, no electrical power (except in the Medical Centre), locally cooked |
The team that re-erected the X-Ray Unit on Pentecost Island | Franz Huber | 2023-09-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vanessa Jansen: Corporate Membership
Posted by Franz Huber on Sep 08, 2023
“We need to get a number of visitors together to form a Rotary Group” was the brief given by (then District Public Image coordinator) PDG Andy Rapajakse. The idea was to form a new Rotary Club based on corporate, rather than individual membership. That was in 2018 (incidentally, the same year our club, Surfers Sunrise, introduced corporate membership into our bylaws – we claim to have “invented” the concept… ☺). The result was a new club named Gold Coast Corporate Rotary, chartered in 2020. Today, the club counts 38 members. At the District 2022 District Conference, her club received the award for the Highest Membership growth in District 9640). “It started off with door knocking,” she said, in other words: the ages-old method of aiming for personal contact. But her club works differently to conventional Rotary clubs: they meet just once a month on the 3rd Wednesday at 5:30 pm. The meeting usually takes place at one of the members’ boardroom, or perhaps at a café, for cheese and crackers. “We are looking for businesses rather than just individuals (but, of course, individual members are most welcome too, just as any other club does). Corporate members can nominate up to 8 people who can attend meetings in rotation. An annual fee of $900 entitles a business to have up to 5 voting members. The club runs various projects, including a mentorship program. Interestingly, this also involves online courses available from Rotary’s very own Learning Centre, on the Rotary International website For example, to visit the section of Personal Development, Click here (you'll need to login). Thank you, Vanessa, for a very instructive presentation! A copy of Vanessa’s PowerPoint presentation (in PDF format) has been uploaded to our Download Files section on the right. Photo: Vanessa Jansen with Paul Seymour, our meeting Chairman. |
Vanessa Jansen: Corporate Membership | Franz Huber | 2023-09-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Special recognition for two of our Associate Members
Posted by Franz Huber on Aug 24, 2023
Congratulations to both of you, and thank you and all your fellow volunteers for your ongoing work and dedication! Your efforts provide mobility to thousands of disabled children and adults in developing countries. |
Special recognition for two of our Associate Members | Franz Huber | 2023-08-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lyssia Demeulenaere returns after 10 years
Posted by Franz Huber on Jul 05, 2023
![]() Welcome back to the Gold Coast, Lyssia! Great to see you! |
Lyssia Demeulenaere returns after 10 years | Franz Huber | 2023-07-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last meeting's Guest Speaker: Angie Bell MP![]() On job seeking, the opposition’s policy is to allow people who are on welfare to work more hours before their benefits get affected. She is the product of 3 generations of factory workers in South Australia. “The harder you work the luckier you get” is her motto. She also elaborated on the Superannuation changes and Early Learning. In relation to the latter, the major issue is not just money, it is getting access to it: in many regions, there isn’t sufficient staff. In her capacity as the newly appointed Shadow Minister for Youth, Angie formed a ‘Youth Cabinet’ across the Gold Coast. She then organised and chaired a summit, the ‘Gold Coast Impact Youth Summit’ with the aim of giving young people opportunities, “the same opportunities I had as a young person”. Some 200 young people from public and private schools, and community groups attended. Angie told us about a young, somewhat dejected man who came to her office seeking help. At the recent Youth Summit he was included in a break-out group where he could meet with people who went to university (or planned to go); let’s call them people he would consider privileged and opposite to his situation. Of course, the frank exchange of views proved beneficial for both sides. Angie concluded by relating some information on workng with her colleagues and her leader, Peter Dutton. “Peter Dutton has the hardest job in Australia, but he has a great sense of humour” she said. [Yes, quite different to what the press, particularly our national broadcaster and the left-leaning press, loves to depict him… But Rotary’s creed is to be above politics, so allow me to desist from further elaborating… Ed.] |
Last meeting's Guest Speaker: Angie Bell MP | Franz Huber | 2023-05-19 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Official hand-over of X-Ray Unit for Pentecost Island, Vanuatu
Posted by Franz Huber on Apr 05, 2023
![]() Photo by Mark Urquhart (from left): Cr Darren Taylor, Greg Bowler, Assistant Governor Sheila Ponting, Mario Fairlie, District Governor Karen Thomas, Sam O'Connor MP, John Paul Langbroek MP, Des La Rance OAM, Dr Graham Sivyer, Cr Ryan Baildon-Lumsden, President Burleigh Heads Rotaract Club Dan Snart, President Surfers Sunrise Rotary Club Mitch Brown. Last Wednesday, the three Rotary clubs, Surfers Sunrise, Broadbeach and Gold Coast celebrated the official hand-over of the X-Ray and Pathology Unit, destined for Pentecost Island, Vanuatu. The building was constructed, then dismantled and flat-packed into a container at our project shed in Arundel. Mid-February, the containers were on the way to be shipped to their destination. Some 60 attendees enjoyed a hearty breakfast at Catalina Cafe on Broadwater Parklands, honoured by the presence of several dignitaries, including our District Governor Karen Thomas and Assistant Governor Sheila Ponting, local MPs John Paul Langbroek and Sam O'Connor, Councillors Ryan Baildon-Lumsden and Darren Taylor, the President of the Gold Coast Medical Association, Professor Philip Morris, just to name a few. Regrettably, the dignitaries expected from Vanuatu were unable to join us, due to the massive devastation that was caused by the two cyclones that recently struck their country. Master of Ceremonies Trent Belling, a third generation Rotarian as he proudly introduced himself, led the proceedings with aplomb. Mario Fairlie and Dr Graham Sivyer, who together with Greg Bowler were the project's leaders, provided a brief outline of its history. They had visited Vanuatu twice, both the destination at Pentecost Island as well as for meetings with authorities in the capital Port Vila. This should ensure a smooth transfer once the containers have arrived at Port Vila. Well deserved, they also gave the "inventor" and leader of the building concept, Des La Rance OAM due credit. "There would have been a thousand people involved all up," Mario emphasised, "from the helpers on the ground to the individual donors of both finances and materials. Equally important is that we recognise the Global Grant from The Rotary Foundation and not least the young Rotaractors. Young people are essential to have around, not just for young ideas, but for physically demanding work". Local member for Surfers Paradise, John Paul Langbroek briefly outlined how important the ongoing work with South Pacific countries, at all levels of Government as well as at basic population basis is. "JPL", a diminutive he is fondly referred to by his friends and colleagues, has had extensive experience with Trade Missions into these countries, including PNG and Vanuatu. JPL also acknowledged our achievement of some 11,000 wheelchairs that have been despatched to all corners of the world. District Governor Karen Thomas referred to the "ROSE" award (Recognition of Significant Effort) which she recently presented to the three clubs at the District Conference in Yamba. This was in recognition of our three clubs successfully working together on this massive project. The two containers are now at sea. On-site re-erection of the building and the commissioning of the X-Ray and Pathology equipment is expected to take place in June. Watch this spot! (Also, check the Download files on the right for a slideshow and press release. There is also a photo album by photographer Mark Urquhart online - click here) |
Official hand-over of X-Ray Unit for Pentecost Island, Vanuatu | Franz Huber | 2023-04-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 22. Feb: breakfast AT THE PROJECT SHED
Posted by Franz Huber on Feb 20, 2023
![]() Past District Governor Tony Heading is the District Chair for The Rotary Foundation (TRF). Most people, and even most Rotarians, are not aware of the size of influence TRF has in the world, nor that it is one of the most efficiently run large charities (a rare 4 stars on He will give us an outline of "our" foundation's multi-faceted programs. Join us for the traditional Bacon & Eggs barbeque. We need to load a container (yes, another one), this one with wheelchairs bound for South Africa. The shed will open at 6:00 am, so if you can, please help.
This coming Wednesday 22. Feb: breakfast AT THE PROJECT SHED | Franz Huber | 2023-02-19 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dignitaries visit shed prior to send-off of X-Ray Unit![]() Last Saturday morning, Federal Member Hon. Angie Bell MP, State Member for Bonney Sam O'Connor MP and Councillor Ryan Baildon-Lumsden visited our project shed in Arundel this morning to inspect the X-Ray Unit, prior of its being dismantled, to be packed into a container and sent off to Pentecost Island in Vanuatu.
Dignitaries visit shed prior to send-off of X-Ray Unit | Franz Huber | 2023-02-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mario Fairlie and Dr Graham Sivyer visited Vanuatu
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Watch this space for a full report in next week's bulletin. Photo: Mario Fairlie (centre) with Dr Graham Sivyer (right) and Mr George Pakoa, pathology and development officer.
Mario Fairlie and Dr Graham Sivyer visited Vanuatu | Franz Huber | 2023-02-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheelchair Shed donates bike to Wesley Mission![]() |
Wheelchair Shed donates bike to Wesley Mission | Franz Huber | 2022-12-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Christmas Breakfast at Marina Mirage![]() |
Great Christmas Breakfast at Marina Mirage | Franz Huber | 2022-12-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
District Governor Karen Thomas – Club visit 23 Nov 22
Posted by Franz Huber on Nov 24, 2022
![]() “I worked in the medical field since I was 17 years old”, Karen stated with justified pride. She is a registered intensive care nurse but has worked in several areas in her field. Hence, her personal projects are related: At the top is ‘Liveblood’, the campaign to donate blood. Did you know that people undergoing Chemo require blood products every two days? There is a distinct shortage, which can even result in the doctors needing to decide on a triage-type process. Karen highlighted the upcoming District Conference at Yamba, from 10th – 12th March 2023. There will be several hugely interesting keynote speakers – watch this space in upcoming bulletins, or go to the District website – Registrations are now open. But a major point of emphasis for this year is ‘DEI’ (yes, another Rotary acronym…): it stands for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Yes, we’ve all been pounded with the ‘flavour of the period’ [my remarks, not the District Governor’s. Ed.] But Karen highlighted a hugely important point: Not all disability is visible. Have you thought about people with hearing difficulties? Allergies (think gluten)? Chronic pain? Intellectual? [no, please don’t start. It’s not funny.] No, neither did it pop up in my mind first off. Thank you, DG Karen. As our meeting chairman, Adrian remarked: “I’ve actually learned something at a DG’s club visit.” |
District Governor Karen Thomas – Club visit 23 Nov 22 | Franz Huber | 2022-11-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maria Leebeck, Gold Coast Youth Service![]() “Currently, there are roughly 250 “rough sleepers” on the Gold Coast we know by name” she said. They come from all types of backgrounds, but most are young people who are ‘still at home’, but don’t want to live there, due to issues such as |
Maria Leebeck, Gold Coast Youth Service | Franz Huber | 2022-11-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big working bee at the shed last Saturday
Posted by Franz Huber
A big Thank You! to all the associates and members who attended (too many to mention individually - you know who you are, give yourself a pat on the back!) Photo: The inventor and driving force behind our wheelchairs project, Des La Rance wrestling the pallet lift up a very temporary ramp, capably assisted by some muscular associate members... ![]() |
Big working bee at the shed last Saturday | Franz Huber | 2022-11-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sunday Family Picnic at Evandale Park and HOTA![]() ![]() |
Sunday Family Picnic at Evandale Park and HOTA | Franz Huber | 2022-10-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Special visitors from South Africa![]() ![]() |
Special visitors from South Africa | Franz Huber | 2022-10-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our newest Corporate Members
Meet our newest Corporate Members | Franz Huber | 2022-10-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A load of hospital beds and equipment for DIK![]() ![]() |
A load of hospital beds and equipment for DIK | Franz Huber | 2022-10-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday: Nicole Brickwell and Nick Cole![]() Very much looking forward to it!
This coming Wednesday: Nicole Brickwell and Nick Cole | Franz Huber | 2022-10-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rapper Geoff?Yes, it's him. But no, he's not a rapper, he just put it that way because the sun became too hot... |
Rapper Geoff? | Franz Huber | 2022-10-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Separating the rubbish from recyclables![]() There is a lot of work out at our project shed which is not directly related to making wheelchairs or construction of buildings: Al Sirovs sent me this picture of one of our Associate Members, Ron Thompson, dismantling bikes. A fair portion of the components, such as the tyres, the pedals, etc are not suitable for either use on the wheelchairs nor for recycling. The aluminium components such as the wheels (without tyres) are separated as they fetch a higher price than iron or steel. The latter goes into a huge 10 m3 skippy bin, collected by Sims Metal on a regular basis. All proceeds go back into the wheelchairs account.
Separating the rubbish from recyclables | Franz Huber | 2022-10-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Putting finishing touches on the X-Ray Unit![]() (Photo by Al Sirovs)
Putting finishing touches on the X-Ray Unit | Franz Huber | 2022-09-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tash Price wins the "Champion of Sport" Award![]() Well done, Tash and Adam! |
Tash Price wins the "Champion of Sport" Award | Franz Huber | 2022-09-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finally! Old bicycle tires sent to recycling plant
Posted by Franz Huber on Sep 18, 2022
![]() Photo (by Al Sirovs), from left: Bryan Tuesley, Rick Parry and Ron Thompson.
Finally! Old bicycle tires sent to recycling plant | Franz Huber | 2022-09-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
DGN Lisa Hunt - Regionalisation
Posted by Franz Huber on Sep 17, 2022
Following discussion, a vote was taken and our club voted. The result of the vote is not for publication, however, any member who was unable to be present is welcome to enquire directly with one of the board members. Over the next few weeks, all other clubs in the district are required to vote (one vote per club). Photo: Lisa with our Chairman of the day, Peter Morgan. |
DGN Lisa Hunt - Regionalisation | Franz Huber | 2022-09-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Polio confined to some remote areas of Afghanistan? And New York.You would be forgiven if, in view of some other matters taking precedence in the media over the last few days, you might have missed this. The Governor of New York has declared a State of Emergency, in response to the Polio virus having been discovered in waste water, both in New York as well as in four neighboring counties. In 1979, Rotary International launched the fight against Polio. In 1985, Polio Plus was launched, with the aim of eradicating this terrible disease, mostly affecting children. Since then, billions of dollars have been spent, and millions of volunteer hours have been expended to apply Polio vaccines throughout the world. The result: from a count of about 350,000 cases EVERY year, vaccination has largely eliminated Polio in almost all countries, with the exception of some remote areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan, where access to the people distributing and applying the vaccines is, sadly, severely restricted. Until now. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Polio confined to some remote areas of Afghanistan? And New York. | Franz Huber | 2022-09-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Unofficial board meeting" at Benowa Tavern![]() |
"Unofficial board meeting" at Benowa Tavern | Franz Huber | 2022-09-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday: DGN Lisa Hunt - Regionalisation
Posted on Sep 08, 2022
![]() If adopted, this would involve major changes. In essence, the current Districts would be abolished and replaced with regions (approximately 2 - 3 per District). Hence all members should inform themselves before all clubs in the district are asked to vote, shortly after DGN Lisa’s presentation. There is a major website (which largely outlines the proposed scheme, thus naturally leading to the ‘Pro’ side of the argument). It contains a very detailed outline, including an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions. To learn more about the negative side, a PDF with two opinion pieces by PP Peter Truer (RC of Boonah) and PDG Jeff Egan (RC Mt Warning AM) has also been distributed to all members. It is important to note that both are stating their personal view, not the official view of the District. To save you finding it, I’ve uploaded it to the Download Section on the right. |
This Wednesday: DGN Lisa Hunt - Regionalisation | Franz Huber | 2022-09-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Very successful fundraiser last Friday
Posted by Franz Huber
Very successful fundraiser last Friday | Franz Huber | 2022-09-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Lutzy Award goes to Pieta Jackman
Posted by Franz Huber
Jan Lutz, who this morning presented the award for the 7th time in honour of her late husband, said "They do a magnificent job in all areas and the vibe between them and our wonderful Surfers Paradise Surf Club just keeps going. I am very pleased to still be part of it, although today was more difficult due to the recent loss of Jason [their son - Ed.]. So maybe I can be excused for not ramping up on the speech. Good luck Rotarians, with all your future dealings." Photo (from left) President Mitch Brown, Jan Lutz, Pieta Jackman, David Orchy, Scott Andrews. |
The Lutzy Award goes to Pieta Jackman | Franz Huber | 2022-08-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The lift at the Surfers SLSC is now operating
Posted by Franz Huber
Good news for our members and guests with a disability or impairment! See you on Wednesday morning! |
The lift at the Surfers SLSC is now operating | Franz Huber | 2022-08-25 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lutzy Award Presentation this coming Wednesday, 31st August 2022
Posted by Franz Huber
This year's winner of the Lutzy Award will be presented again at the Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club. You'll have a hearty, plate served breakfast of Bacon & Eggs (choice of fried or poached), Sausage & Fried Eggs or a bowl of Acai, for the same cost as last year's ($11.00 per person). Hey! Where else can you get a hearty meal for $11.00? Bookings have now closed. If you forgot, or if you have just emerged from an extended trip up the Amazon ☺, please contact Graeme Isaacson directly. By the way: the lift is now operating! (see separate note below) (Image is from last year's presentation to Jet Milford - Ferguson) |
Lutzy Award Presentation this coming Wednesday, 31st August 2022 | Franz Huber | 2022-08-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoe Humphries – My Community Legal
Zoe Humphries – My Community Legal | Franz Huber | 2022-08-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
PDG Darrell Brown celebrates 50 years in Rotary
Posted by Franz Huber on Aug 18, 2022
And well deserved too: Not only is this a rare occurrence, but in those years Darrell has held just about every officer’s job, including multiple runs as Club President, and numerous District Committee Chairmanships, culminating in his appointment to District Governor in 2017-18. In the words of C.J. Dennis: ‘I lift me lid’. Congratulations! Photo: Darrell with Assistant Governor Sheila Ponting and fellow Architect, PP Simon Brook, whom he sponsored to join Surfers Sunrise in 2014. |
PDG Darrell Brown celebrates 50 years in Rotary | Franz Huber | 2022-08-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tash Price wins Sunshine Coast Half Marathon![]() |
Tash Price wins Sunshine Coast Half Marathon | Franz Huber | 2022-08-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 17th August: Zoe Humphries![]() In addition, we also will have a very special event - see President's Message above - that morning! Well, you'll just have to be there! |
This coming Wednesday 17th August: Zoe Humphries | Franz Huber | 2022-08-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sgt Cherie MacLean – PCYC
Posted by Franz Huber on Aug 05, 2022
The organisation has existed for over 70 years, with some 57 clubs in our state of Queensland. What does it do? Well, perhaps if you download her PowerPoint (see Download Files on the right), you get a good, broad picture: As the name would suggest, Youth and Community is the major thrust. Early intervention, Crime Prevention, a program named RUBY, designed to help people suffering Domestic and Family Violence… A program ‘Braking the Cycle’ [no Henrietta, no spelling error – it’s braking as in slowing down, I did check! Ed. ☺]. They are looking for mentors. To do what? Mentoring young learner drivers, assisting them to reach the required 100 hours of driving to get their P-Plates. “Me?? Sitting in a car with a L-Plater??” I hear you ask. Yes, it is safe. Yes, you will receive training. No, not with your own car – they’ll supply the vehicle. Yes, you can get more info online: where you can also apply. There is much, much more to Cherie’s story. Click on this link to learn more about this wonderful organisation: (Photo: Chairman of the day, Doug Lipp with Sgt Cherie McLean)
Sgt Cherie MacLean – PCYC | Franz Huber | 2022-08-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome Cole Residential - our newest Corporate Member
Posted by Franz Huber on Aug 03, 2022
At this morning's meeting we had the pleasure of witnessing the induction of our latest Corporate Member, Cole Residential Real Estate. Welcome! We much look forward to seeing you at our meetings. Photo (from left) Ali Boccassino, Jane Starr, Ashleigh Baker, Nick Cole, Nicole Bricknell, with our President Mitch Brown.
Welcome Cole Residential - our newest Corporate Member | Franz Huber | 2022-08-02 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hi! Would you like to marry me?No, don't you start rumours... your Editor is quite happily married already. But I put in this headline to outline how silly it would be to ask somebody, full-on, "Would you like to join Rotary?" Yet, the adage that "if you don't ask, it is unlikely that they'll ask you" always applies. So, you've met that person who is of good reputation. You may have briefly talked about what you do in our club. You know he/she may be interested in becoming involved. How do you ask? OK, there is the old hoary chestnut of the proverbial "alternative close" (as in "would this Wednesday be suitable or would you prefer Wednesday 17th?"). but this is unlikely to work as an opening. In good salesmanship, the so-called 'Elevator Pitch' is the best. This needs to be in your words, your style, highlighting a couple of important points. Here is just one where Surfers Sunrise shines: We are big in Youth Services. Is your potential member a parent or grandparent? We sponsor young people, from high school through to early adulthood, to attend a variety of confidence and leadership development camps. Click here to get the whole list of them. We sponsor budding scientists to attend the National Youth Science Forum. We work with the local Surf Life Saving Club and present an annual award in the form of a $2,500 surf ski to an emerging leader in the Surf Life Saving movement. Coming to think of it: it's happening at the end of this month. Why not ask someone to come along on 31st August?
Hi! Would you like to marry me? | Franz Huber | 2022-07-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 3rd August: Sgt Cherie MacLean |
This coming Wednesday 3rd August: Sgt Cherie MacLean | Franz Huber | 2022-07-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
July is Leadership Month
Posted by Franz Huber on Jul 22, 2022
![]() In our club, the first board meeting under President Mitch Brown will take place this coming Wednesday 27th July (07:00 am at the Surfers Paradise SLSC). So, if you have any specific item you'd like to have dealt with, now is the time to mention it. Like RIGHT NOW (the draft agenda closes on Monday night). Naturally, you can ask for any item to be added to the agenda of any of our board meetings. But leadership does not just apply to the club's or district's leadership team. Year after year, our club promotes youth programs, many of which specifically foster leadership: Click on this link to see the various events. Surfers Sunrise has sponsored - and will continue to sponsor - participants to almost all these events. In addition, we promote leadership in the local Surf Club: the annual Lutzy Award. It is presented to an emerging young leader nominated by the Surf Life Saving Club. The winner is not necessarily a surfing champion but is selected on the basis of his/her efforts to lead and help others. The award comes complete with a $2,500 surf ski, donated by our club. This year's presentation will be at our breakfast meeting of 31st August. Mark it in your diary now. |
July is Leadership Month | Franz Huber | 2022-07-21 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update on the big electric wheelchair to Honiara
Posted by Franz Huber on Jul 21, 2022
![]() Col has sent us an update with pictures of the recipient, Joel Teheroha, a young lad who has suffered from severe cerebral palsy since birth. The story also featured prominently in the local press - click on this link to view the report in the Solomon Star, the island's daily newspaper. Give yourself a pat on the back, Col! Good to see you are still very active in helping disadvantaged people in developing countries.
Update on the big electric wheelchair to Honiara | Franz Huber | 2022-07-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
One of the best kept secrets of Rotary
Posted by Franz Huber
Think about it for a moment. Note: The presumption to this story: You are a man and your partner is a woman. Hold it! Don't shoot just yet! Yes, I acknowledge, in these enlightened days it may well be illegal for me to even mention - sorry, I mean ignore to mention all the other possible relationship options. But I'll persist. And let me state it clearly: the opinions of the editor do not necessarily represent those of the management.☺ So, onwards... Let us assume that you pass away before your wife does. Statistically proven to be a distinct possibility, and no snide jokes please! Would your wife still enjoy a regular circle of friendship? A circle of friendship that is still there some 3 or 6 months after your funeral? If so, that's great! If in doubt (or if you are indeed female and this has sort of triggered your interest), keep reading. In the 'olden days' (not sure if I'd want to call them 'good' olden days though), Rotary clubs were the exclusive domain of the male of the species and they had Ladies' Auxiliaries, commonly called 'Rotaryannes'. With the advent of (a) Rotary clubs inviting women to join and (b) women more and more engaging in business, the traditional Rotaryannes just about vanished. Enter Innerwheel. This organization is, as far as I know, exclusively for women. And no, you don’t need to be a widow to join, of course. The sole requirement is to be of good character, a desire to enjoy friendship and good companionship and to serve the community. Their men are quite welcome to tag along to their social functions. Usually, there is a "Men's Tour" whilst the ladies have their conference. This year, we were hosted by Ohana Winery, a Bundaberg business that brews innovative alcoholic fruit wines, ciders, ginger ale and liqueurs. Yes, complete tour with samples... The Innerwheel organization is not new: it was founded way back in 1924 in Manchester, England and first appeared in Australia in 1931, in Ballarat VIC of all places. Today, they boast over 100,000 members in 108 countries. In our region, we have two clubs on the Gold Coast. They generally meet once a month and support a major research project. At present, their primary support goes to Cordblood (Stem Cell) research, carried out by Prof Michael Doran (QUT). Friendship? Over the past 20 years or so, I have accompanied my wife to dozens of Innerwheel conferences. Friendship is the very item that pervades the atmosphere. And if you think these generally elderly ladies are just taking it easy: wait till you see them dancing the jig! For more information, click here and here, or contact the editor who will gladly forward your enquiry to the nearest club! |
One of the best kept secrets of Rotary | Franz Huber | 2022-07-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jennifer Jones - first female President of Rotary International
Posted by Franz Huber
During her year, she will focus on four presidential initiatives that Imagine Rotary:
Read the entire story of the Presidential Initiatives. The site is very comprehensive. It also includes video messages.
Jennifer Jones - first female President of Rotary International | Franz Huber | 2022-07-02 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excellent start of the Rotary year with Changeover Luncheon
Posted by Franz Huber on Jul 02, 2022
Simon Brook was Master of Ceremonies and kept the formal procedures to the brevity Surfers Sunrise Rotary has been known for the past 3 decades... We were honoured by (now Past) District Governor Jeff Egan, representing Rotary International who gave us an equally brief reply to the Toast to Rotary International. Outgoing President Paul Seymour briefly outlined our club's activities and achievements for the past 12 months, then presented the club's recognitions and awards: Paul Harris Fellowships to Angus Miller, Paul O'Neill, Adrian Crowe, Ian Mayberry and Mario Fairlie. The major awards were received by
Congratulations to all! Following the presentation, Paul handed the President's collar to Mitch Brown, who after a brief address introduced his new board (see photo above). For more photos see the Photo Album section on the right. The Changeover Report has been uploaded - see Download Section on the right. It includes the President's, Treasurer's as well as the individual chairmen's reports, as well as a summary of the past year's speakers and events. |
Excellent start of the Rotary year with Changeover Luncheon | Franz Huber | 2022-07-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Best Long Term Project: and the winner is...
Posted by Franz Huber on Jun 26, 2022
Best Long Term Project: and the winner is... | Franz Huber | 2022-06-25 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zahra Forbutt - RYPEN camp
Posted by Franz Huber
Photo: Zahra with our meeting chairman of the day, Simon Brook.
Zahra Forbutt - RYPEN camp | Franz Huber | 2022-06-21 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 22nd June: Alycia Bird & Amber Clode![]() Before that, we'll also have a brief presentation by our RYPEN awardee, Zahra Forbett, who participated in this event a few weeks ago. This will be our last 'formal' meeting for the Rotary year, so let's have a big turnout! By the way: Have you booked yet for the Changeover Luncheon? Click on this link now. |
This Wednesday 22nd June: Alycia Bird & Amber Clode | Franz Huber | 2022-06-19 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Have you booked for the Changeover Luncheon this Saturday 2nd July?![]() Bookings close tomorrow Tuesday 28th June 2022 |
Have you booked for the Changeover Luncheon this Saturday 2nd July? | Franz Huber | 2022-06-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hugely interesting visit to the PCYC last Wednesday![]() Note: Cherie will be our guest speaker on 3rd August 2022.
Hugely interesting visit to the PCYC last Wednesday | Franz Huber | 2022-06-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Very successful fundraiser at the Small Bus ExpoDarrell has just advised that the funds we raised at this event covers our Youth Services budget for the coming 2022-23 year. That includes sponsoring candidates for RYTS, RYPEN, RYLA, National Youth Science Forum, just to name the regular ones. Give yourself a pat on the back! Now, put the next date into your calendars: the Brisbane Event will be on 5th and 6th October. |
Very successful fundraiser at the Small Bus Expo | Franz Huber | 2022-06-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gold Coast Small Business Expo Fundraiser is this week
Posted on Jun 12, 2022
We have again been offered this very important fundraising opportunity. We get paid handsomely for our services. Our organiser, Darrell Brown, advises that the miniumum number of people required on the roster has been filled, but if you feel like giving us a hand, particularly on the Bump-in and Bump-out sessions, you are welcome! NOTE: The venue is at the Coomera Indoor Sports Centre 56 Beattie Road, Coomera, NOT where it was last year at Carrara.
By the way: Thursday is also the day when some of our members have a quiet drink and a good chinwag. Good chance we'll do this this Thursday as well. |
Gold Coast Small Business Expo Fundraiser is this week | Franz Huber | 2022-06-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A meeting with a difference at the project shed![]() |
A meeting with a difference at the project shed | Franz Huber | 2022-06-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
June is Rotary Fellowship Month“Why not?” retorted a former Peace Fellow . “Rotary means business; it is totally non-political, non-denominational and, since about 1987, certainly non-sexist!” So how come there is a fellowship for Singles but not for Marrieds? Or for that matter Doll Lovers, or Birdwatchers?” “Maaate!!” his colleagues yelled out, “we are not talking about that kind of dolls and birds!” [Yes, quite right, Henrietta, there is no need say anything!] One of the stouter members joined in: “Ah, I’m more into the epicurean stuff, like Wine, Whyskey, Rum, Beer, Gourmet Cooking, even Bathhouses. I like antique cars, and I like hitching up the caravan to my 4 x 4 truck, then travel into the blue yonder and in the evenings study my rare books. I listen to Jazz, actually any music. And I’m probably the only male in hundreds of miles who makes quilts. My wife is much more into Italian and Latin Culture. And in this context she joined the Magna Graecia fellowship. “The Magna what?” several shouted out. “Well, it is based in Southern Italy, but you can join. Just look it up.” “Ah, ever since I swapped my caravan for a big fat Recreational Vehicle, I’ve given up the caravan. The total quality of my Winnebago is just superb” said a Doctor. I can hook our bicycles on the back, tie my canoe and surf board on the top and I even can play Table Tennis on a fold out table. When I’m out in the sticks, I can join the meeting of my e-Club and thus maintain my Social Network. Evenings we study European Philosophy, Ethics and Cultural Heritage. We have close contact with an Honorary Consul whom we met on a Cruise and with whom we recently did a Home Exchange. Naturally, being Swiss, he is far more into Railways, Hiking, Curling and Shooting sports. He is a Past District Governor, intimate with Rotary heritage and global history, and he has a massive collection of Rotary Stamps and Rotary Pins. Of course, he goes to all the conventions. I joined him at one of his club meetings. Did you know that former Swiss Tennis great Martina Hingis is a Paul Harris Fellow and is closely involved with Polio Plus? “Well, I’m more into the fitness stuff” said a Military Veteran, who now is in Law Enforcement. I like Scuba Diving, Fishing, Rowing, blue water Yachting, Skiing, riding my Motorcycle. I’m a Scout Leader, I run Marathons and Triathlons and I play Cricket. I listen to Heavy Metal and if ever I have a quiet moment, I study Russian culture.” “Too hard for me!” retorted a Lawyer, and his fellow professionals, a prominent Editor and Publisher and an Educator, joined in. “As principals of our firms, we are constantly looking for better Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Planning, Social Networks, the Environment, Public Health and… Golf. And if I need solitude, I fly my Cessna...” “Geez… isn’t there any group I can join where it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg?” I whimpered. “Most definitely!” came the answer. “There is Amateur Radio, Chess, Draughts, Photography, Esperanto or Genealogy. Even very general subjects as the Internet. But don’t be fooled: the group is very active in around 100 countries! And if you are into Eastern board games: Go. Or you might want to become a Magician and if you need calming down, play Bowls or do some Yoga.” So, with almost 90 different Rotary Fellowships worldwide, there truly is something for everyone! Just click on the links! |
June is Rotary Fellowship Month | Franz Huber | 2022-06-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 8th June: Breakfast at the Project Shed
Posted on Jun 02, 2022
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This Wednesday 8th June: Breakfast at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2022-06-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lismore Library Book Appeal: Please hold off..!
Posted by Franz Huber on Jun 01, 2022
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Lismore Library Book Appeal: Please hold off..! | Franz Huber | 2022-05-31 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flood Appeal: Lismore Library needs books
Posted by Franz Huber on May 29, 2022
Donations can be made at the Library at 6 Centenary Drive, Goonellabah NSW 2480, Monday to Thursday between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm, or Surfers Sunrise Rotary Club will organise a collection on the Gold Coast for them to be shipped to Lismore in one consignment. If you have any to donate, please click on this link to send us an email so we can make arrangements. |
Flood Appeal: Lismore Library needs books | Franz Huber | 2022-05-28 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Peter McGuiness - You Choose Road Safety
Posted by Franz Huber on May 25, 2022
Peter rejects the incident to be called an accident. "It was a direct consequence of Jordan choosing to drive while under the influence. " At today's meeting, Peter McGuiness outlined his organisation, 'You Choose - Youth Road Safety', which he and his wife Melissa set up, following that horrendous event in 2012. The program is mostly presented at High Schools, to Year 11 students.. "The approach is novel and innovative," Peter said. "Not 'the poor kid had an accident, but instead of preaching and lecturing, the concept gives emphasis to the fact that the kid made the choice to drive at 120 Km/Hr. The students are actively engaged. "What would you do?" is the question asked. "Interestingly, on every occasion, we are the ones who are learning", Peter said. Think about it: There has never been more money spent on road safety, car safety and stringent policing. Yet, road trauma, at best, remains static or is increasing. The thing that has not changed is the culture. You Choose Youth Road Safety addresses that. And perhaps, with the various Interact clubs Rotary is running in various High Schools, perhaps we might have an ideal vehicle to help Peter and Melissa to get the message across. Photo: Peter McGuiness (centre), with his organisation's Chairman Todd Cole (4th from left), new corporate member Nick Cole (third from right) Visit their website:
Peter McGuiness - You Choose Road Safety | Franz Huber | 2022-05-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surfers Sunrise sponsors a RYPEN camp awardee
Posted on May 15, 2022
Surfers Sunrise sponsors a RYPEN camp awardee | Franz Huber | 2022-05-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheelchair shed donates bike to girl from Ukraine
Posted by Franz Huber on May 14, 2022
![]() And whilst we are at it: Check out the interview of Des La Rance and John Hall with Don Glover of Radio 4CRB (89.3) in the Download Section on the right.
Wheelchair shed donates bike to girl from Ukraine | Franz Huber | 2022-05-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rotarian behind the Badge: Ross Augustine
Posted by Franz Huber on May 11, 2022
![]() Growing up on the beach, it is natural that he is a keen sailor. “We towed a boat from Melbourne to Brisbane for a championship.” Otherwise though, free time was scarce, as it was compulsory to have a qualified Pharmacist present at all times, so they were totally tied to the business. (there's much more: click on 'Read More' for the full story) |
Rotarian behind the Badge: Ross Augustine | Franz Huber | 2022-05-10 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Launch of City Council's Senior's Garden![]() |
Launch of City Council's Senior's Garden | Franz Huber | 2022-05-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rosie Rocco's team to run again at the Gold Coast Ramble
Posted by Franz Huber
Rosie Rocco's team to run again at the Gold Coast Ramble | Franz Huber | 2022-04-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle starts early...
Posted by Franz Huber
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle starts early... | Franz Huber | 2022-04-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last week's guest speaker: Angie Bell MP
Posted by Franz Huber
Last week, Angie outlined her engagement and leadership in her electorate of Moncrieff. “Rotary changed my life” she declared. Coming from a family of “three generations of factory workers”, the mere thought of international travel seemed impossible. That was until she was offered to spend a year on Rotary Exchange in Denmark. Eloquent and articulate, she outlined the various facets of her work since her election in 2019. Faced with the major issue of homelessness, she set up the Moncrieff Community Cabinet, comprising various community organisations such as St Johns Crisis Centre, representatives of various religious bodies, media, State Members of Parliament, Rotary and business. She also closely works with Soheil Abedian’s ‘Serving Our People’ charity. “Do you know we build rockets and satellites on the Gold Coast?” she asked. Setting up the City Heart Taskforce, a cross-industry peak body has the aim of increasing the region’s manufacturing capacity. “Do you know that Griffith Uni has developed world-leading 3D-Printing to generate minuscule bone parts which can be used to restore a broken wrist?” There is much more [sorry, you should have been there! Ed.] Just one more thing, specifically concerning Surfers Sunrise Rotary and our X-Ray Unit for Vanuatu project: After things had become almost hopelessly bogged down, Angie was instrumental to arrange for the Memorandum of Understanding to be signed by the Vanuatu authorities. Thank you! |
Last week's guest speaker: Angie Bell MP | Franz Huber | 2022-04-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
George Keily keeps bringing in spectacles by the car load
Posted by Franz Huber
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George Keily keeps bringing in spectacles by the car load | Franz Huber | 2022-04-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Griffith Uni Malaria Vaccine Project update
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Australia has been free of Malaria since 1981, but that doesn’t mean that there are no risks. Dr Danielle explained that we still have the “right” mosquitos in the Northern Territory. But world-wide, one of the major concerns is that case numbers are no longer decreasing. In short: this means that the virus may have become immune to the treatment drugs. Vaccination (which results in your body generating natural immunity) is the answer. There are various methods that can be used. The Malaria Vaccine Project’s aim is to perfect a ‘Whole Parasite Vaccine’. In essence, Dr Danielle explained: “We take the parasite and treat it so they can’t grow anymore…” [sounds really simple, doesn’t it? If only... Ed.] A major contribution of $500,000 by the Federal Government helped to bring the project well and truly in the Human Trial stage. Next challenge is how to get it to the areas in the world where it’s needed: Liquid format is too bulky and too expensive. So they are developing a method where it can be ‘powderized’ and at the destination, “just add water”… It’s when I listen to people like Dr Danielle Stanisic, when I realise how much the world, particularly the “developed” regions, owes to scientists such as her and her team. (See the slides of Dr Danielle and PDF Graham Jones’s update on RAM in the Download Section on the right) |
Griffith Uni Malaria Vaccine Project update | Franz Huber | 2022-04-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A personal 'Thank you' visit from South Africa
Posted by Franz Huber
Isn’t it great to receive some feedback from “the other side”. Thank you for visiting us, Neil! |
A personal 'Thank you' visit from South Africa | Franz Huber | 2022-04-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fast response to our appeal for $1,009 to complete the electricals of the X-Ray Unit![]() (That doesn't mean that the Wheelchair Trust can't do with more donations: the current supply chain problems dictate that we order and commit to purchasing components such as wheels, tyres, castors etc as much as six months in advance.) Click on this link: PS: The project is far more advanced than is shown in the picture. Time I went out and got some updated photos! ![]() |
Fast response to our appeal for $1,009 to complete the electricals of the X-Ray Unit | Franz Huber | 2022-04-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 years ago: Matafaa Village School, Samoa
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Good Friday… the pubs aren’t open (OK, I never go to the pub before 11:30 am anyway ![]() The tsunami in 2009 devastated the village and its school. This building followed the same principal design by Des La Rance, as the school our club delivered to Phuket, Thailand, after the tsunami of 2004. This concept (designed to withstand cyclones) is also employed with our current project of an X-Ray unit for Mauna Health Centre, Vanuatu. It’s in our Downloads Section (converted to low-res). Go on! Check it out! |
12 years ago: Matafaa Village School, Samoa | Franz Huber | 2022-04-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheelchair Trust receives a $1,000 donation![]() |
Wheelchair Trust receives a $1,000 donation | Franz Huber | 2022-04-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings
Posted by Franz Huber
Last Sunday's glorious weather no doubt contributed to reaching a record result at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. "We kept running out of sausages..." was the (pleasant) complaint. A big Thank You to all the helpers on the day: Brian Pearson, Uwe Seifert, Paul O'Neill, Charles Thomasson, Mario Fairlie, Gerald East, Ross Augustine, Kristen 'KJ' Jewson, Andy Bell, Doug Lipp (together with two of his grandsons), Al Sirovs, Ray Crowley, yours truly and, of course, organiser Geoff Croad. Geoff organised another date: Friday 29th April 2022. Same roster times. An email will be sent to all members and associates. |
Record Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings | Franz Huber | 2022-04-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 13th April: GC Uni Malaria Vaccine Project![]() ![]() |
This Wednesday 13th April: GC Uni Malaria Vaccine Project | Franz Huber | 2022-04-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hard at work - Fundraising for the Flood Appeal
Posted by Franz Huber
Hard at work - Fundraising for the Flood Appeal | Franz Huber | 2022-03-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's guest speaker: Sophia Seumahu - NYSF
Posted by Franz Huber
Last Wednesday, Sophia gave us a well prepared speech on her experiences. “While I’m not sure about living on Mars one day, I would love to be one of the engineers that help us to land humans on another planet for the first time,” she said. Talking about having set a clear career path! COVID prevented the usual physical gathering at the CSIRO in Canberra; it was all online. The program was packed: 73 live digital sessions with 195 speakers, including two Nobel Prize winners. The experience took them all over the world: From Antarctica to ANSTO (Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) to a live cross to particle physicists at CERN laboratories (Hadron Collider) in Switzerland and back to Parkes and its huge radio telescope. There were also 15 in-person visits in Perth, with others scheduled in other states “when safe to do so”. Sophia is one of the co-founders of a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) club at her school. “I feel more motivated to study and work hard, knowing that I’m not just doing it to get a good grade but because I love it” she summed up, expressing a sincere Thank You to our club for sponsoring her. You are most welcome, Sophia. Enthusiastic emerging scientists like you are exactly what the NYSF has been designed for. We wish you every success in your future career. Sophia’s full speech is in the Download section on the right. |
Last Wednesday's guest speaker: Sophia Seumahu - NYSF | Franz Huber | 2022-03-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why I go to Rotary District Conferences
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Saturday’s program included a local farming couple speaking of the enormous hardship and heartbreak suffered due to the drought and fires. This was a farm which benefited from the ‘Fodder for the West’ program organised by the Rotary Club of Hope Island. I wish I had the writing skills of a Bryce Courtenay |
Why I go to Rotary District Conferences | Franz Huber | 2022-03-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
District Expo is this week!
Posted on Mar 21, 2022
The (almost) final program is now on the Downloads section. Go on, check it out! A reminde tr: At this time of the year, Tenterfield can be quite balmy and/or quite chilly, particularly at night. So make sure you pack some warm clothing as well. If you are booked on the Bald Rock breakfast tour on Sunday morning, you need good footwear as well as a torch or a headlamp. |
District Expo is this week! | Franz Huber | 2022-03-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to Surfers Sunrise, Ross Augustine!![]() |
Welcome to Surfers Sunrise, Ross Augustine! | Franz Huber | 2022-03-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Who says you are too old to learn a new skill?
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Picture shows him receiving his certificate from Dot Piddington, a Director of the Gold Coast Bridge Club. Congrats, Brian! |
Who says you are too old to learn a new skill? | Franz Huber | 2022-03-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
District has set up a flood donation account
Posted by Franz Huber on Mar 05, 2022
![]() If a donor does not require the donation to have tax deductibility status, it is preferable that donations should be deposited into the following account: Rotary International District 9640 Ltd. BSB: 084462, Account No: 816279059 This is the account to which Rotary clubs should donate. If tax deductibility is required, please use this account: Keith Wilson Relief Trust Fund BSB: 633000 Account No: 175308303 The name of the donor needs to be included on the deposit AND please send via email to PDG Sandra Doumany at (Note: the original post had a typo - this is the correct address): 1. the name of the donor 2. the amount of the deposit 3. any requirement for the donation to be spent on a specific area (if requested). |
District has set up a flood donation account | Franz Huber | 2022-03-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
March is Water and Sanitation Month
Posted by Franz Huber
For the last two years it was COVID. And here we are: the first serious armed conflict in Europe in well over 50 years [yes, Henrietta, Ukraine is indeed in Europe, and so was Czechoslovakia 😐] and – puff – all other concerns are swept from the front pages. What chances then that a bland, mundane theme such as Water and Sanitation would even come to our conscious mind? OK, exception: over the past two weeks, we’ve had quite a bit too much of the stuff falling out of the sky… In our (relatively) civilized society we take water and sanitation for granted. Isn’t that what we pay Water Rates for? Yet, visualise for a moment: you have no (running) water. (Paradoxically, some regions in District 9640 are in that very position right now; let’s hope it is only temporary). You can’t? Well then, walk out to the street and turn the mains water tap off and see how long you last before you crack. You will also discover that without water, there isn’t any sanitation either. Now, suddenly your problem is bigger than whatever leads the TV news. Well, that is exactly what, in the third decade of the third millennium, an awfully large proportion of our planet’s population faces every day. And it’s not just “over in Africa” (forgive me if that sounds callous). As an individual, in concert with your Rotary club, you very much can make a difference. For example, about 2015, a team from Stanthorpe Rotary Club delivered and installed a massive system to provide secure water to Naiyala High School in Fiji. It didn’t make the evening news on TV, but then, that’s not what Rotary is all about. As Rotarians, we are proudly part of an organisation which boasts the most esteemed of charities, The Rotary Foundation and, on the local scene, the Rotary World Community Service (RAWCS). Click on this link, then apply a filter of ‘Water’ and you’ll find a list of 55 water related RAWCS programs currently running. About 100 years ago, Austrian philosopher Karl Kraus wrote about war: “first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is satisfied that he too is suffering. In the end, one is surprised that everyone has lost.” As individuals, we can’t do much to change the course of a major conflict. But that doesn’t stop us from winning some battles which bring joy rather than misery. In contrast to an armed conflict, this is a battle that we can win. |
March is Water and Sanitation Month | Franz Huber | 2022-03-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ashleigh Symes - Corporate Member
Posted by Franz Huber
Born on the Gold Coast, she is the proverbial go-getter: “Whilst I studied for a Bachelor of Commerce and Business, I worked full time in Merchandising with Proctor & Gamble, sold pot plants [no Henrietta, nothing to do with the pot you are thinking about, heavens forbid!], worked as a Mortgage Broker and taught Surf School.” Then she decided to go traveling to Europe, “couch surfing” through France, Spain, Poland, Albania, Romania, just to name a few of the countries. Even hitch-hiking when Romania's public transport system left something to be desired.... In London, she found employment with a Fund Manager, and that is where her initiation to the world of finance started. “...though I started dabbling in shares at 13 years of age, so the subject always fascinated me” she quipped. Upon return to the Gold Coast, Ashleigh was selected by a recruitment agency for Wilsons Advisory, whose local office is located in the Oracle complex in Broadbeach. Her specialisation is in Compliance and providing ‘Strategic Advice’ to private clients. ‘And when you are not providing financial advice?’ was one of the many questions: “Netball, Surf Life Saving (with the local Surfers Paradise SLSC). ‘Any good share buying tips?’ The expected “this is only general advice” popped up. Still, a couple of specific sectors and worthwhile ASX codes were mentioned. [Which ones? Sorry, you should have been there… Ed.] |
Ashleigh Symes - Corporate Member | Franz Huber | 2022-03-02 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Good Bunnings Sizzle despite the weather
Posted on Feb 27, 2022
Good Bunnings Sizzle despite the weather | Franz Huber | 2022-02-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 23rd: Social brekky at Espresso Bonsai![]() So, instead we'll have our social breakfast at Espresso Bonsai, 66 Thomas Drive, on Chevron Island. Plenty of parking off the road, at the rear of the building - entrance from Anembo Street. Now... Christian, the chief there, offered a free coffee to all of us on arrival! Howzat for a welcome! See you all there at 07:00 am.
This coming Wednesday 23rd: Social brekky at Espresso Bonsai | Franz Huber | 2022-02-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nigel Fotheringham – Angel Flight
Posted by Franz Huber
Nigel outlined a couple of examples: A woman requiring regular dialysis. A child requiring regular chemotherapy, or follow-up treatment after a serious accident. By road and/or train, the trip could take 8 hours each way, and outback roads are not exactly as smooth as the M1! Angel Flight often also takes carers with the patient on the same flight. This is, of course, of huge importance, particularly for children. “This must cost a fortune to run!” I hear you exclaim. Yes, it does indeed. Their 2020-21 Financial Statement shows expenses of over $1.5 Million. And how much financial support do they get from Government (State or Federal)? Zero. Zilch. Nada! [Don’t get me started. Ed.] So, they rely on donations. Their pilots provide not only their time but also their planes free of charge. In the words of C J Dennis, the famous Australian Bush Poet: “I dips me lid.” There is lots more information on their website: Angel Flight is a registered charity and donations are tax-deductible. |
Nigel Fotheringham – Angel Flight | Franz Huber | 2022-02-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Good to see project shed open again!Good turn up, despite the fairly stringent Covid prevention restrictions we put on. We are back to normal, opening every Wednesday and Saturday morning. But please do observe common sense Covid restrictions. Particularly, please stay away if you are feeling unwell, irrespective of whether you think (or have tested) to have Covid or you think it's just a common cold. Thank you.
Good to see project shed open again! | Franz Huber | 2022-02-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-screening of The Duke cancelled
Posted by Gerald East
We understand that any tickets that have already been booked and prepaid will be refunded directly. |
Pre-screening of The Duke cancelled | Gerald East | 2022-02-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Bunnings Sausage Sizzle date![]() As you know, the end of January event had to be canceled due to the COVID situation. Now, the situation has settled down again, Geoff Croad has received the go-ahead from Bunnings Olsen Avenue for a new date for a Sausage Sizzle fundraiser on Friday 25th February 2022 so we need manpower! Only 3 shifts - 4 people minimum required per shift to comply with Bunnings rules.
We require 4 people per shift. Please book your time slot with Geoff directly, by text message or send him an email. NOTE: Several of our "regulars" are unable to participate. Please... |
New Bunnings Sausage Sizzle date | Franz Huber | 2022-02-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Shed to re-open this coming Saturday
Posted on Feb 07, 2022
Wheelchair Trust Chairman Larry Murray and our 'Shed Foreman' Bryan Tuesley have decided to open the Project Shed earlier than originally planned: they'll open this coming Saturday morning, 12th February, usual time. Now... not too fast... We are very much concerned about all of our volunteers' wellbeing. So, please take note of the following rules which MUST be adhered to:
Feel free to contact me if I can provide you with further clarification. Best wishes, Franz Huber Club Administration Rotary Club of Surfers Sunrise Inc 0484 597 451 |
Project Shed to re-open this coming Saturday | Franz Huber | 2022-02-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday: Kate Worboys on RYTS
Posted by Franz Huber on Feb 05, 2022
![]() RYTS is a program with the focus to assist the transition from school into the next phase of life. The program is delivered at a 6 day residential camp for students who are in the senior years of school (Year 11-12). Our club sponsors at least two young persons every year and we have had many “after the event” presentations, but few, if any of the calibre of Kate’s. Meticulously prepared, including a PowerPoint display, she launched off with… a power dance. Hard to describe (ok, it includes the ‘Oh what a feeling!’ jump of a well known car manufacturer). It’s on our Download section for you to view and so is her PowerPoint presentation. Go on, get it! I wish I had the words to effectively describe the combination of the zest of youth, combined with unbridled enthusiasm and competence. Sorry, you should have been there! |
Last Wednesday: Kate Worboys on RYTS | Franz Huber | 2022-02-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
And whaddya want me to do about it?
And whaddya want me to do about it? | Franz Huber | 2022-01-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
No "official" meeting this Wednesday (Australia Day)This coming Wednesday 26th January is Australia Day, a public holiday and thus we won't have an "official" meeting. Anyone who wants to come over to the Surfers Paradise Surf Club anyway might still find a few fellow Rotarians there, in spite of the fact that two of three of our members (or their family members) are in isolation. As far as we are aware though, none of them are seriously ill; wishing you all a speedy recovery. Next week (Wednesday 2nd February), however, we'll have a planned 'formal' meeting upstairs, with our wheelchair athletes and fellow members Adam Sheppard and Tash Price presenting. Next Wednesday we'll also welcome Kate Worboys, freshly back from her RYTS camp experience. |
No "official" meeting this Wednesday (Australia Day) | Franz Huber | 2022-01-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bunnings sausage sizzle cancelled
Thank you to all the people who offered to help - we'll be in touch when a new date has been set. |
Bunnings sausage sizzle cancelled | Franz Huber | 2022-01-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Shed expected to reopen on 19th February![]() However, we expect our regular club meetings to take place as per schedule, every Wednesday morning.
Project Shed expected to reopen on 19th February | Franz Huber | 2022-01-19 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Our project shed: Future direction
Posted by Larry Murray
The report from 180 Degrees Consulting is very professional and informative, helping us to identify points of action, most of which we were aware of but had not been fully addressed. It did strongly advise that we take advantage of Social Media to raise our profile and raise funds. Whilst we frequently post to our club’s Facebook page, this is not happening with the Wheelchair Trust website; there are few or no social media posts. It is necessary to appoint an individual to this job, who would, in turn, need additional help as the job can be quite demanding. It was agreed that Mark Twyford and Paul Seymour would talk to their companies’ Social Media specialists to see if they can help. It was suggested it may be a service, we will have to pay for, the matter is to be further developed at the next board meeting where a decision can be made if we do nothing it will be a lost opportunity. The issue of additional shed utilization has so far been a disappointment. All avenues we had explored did not develop into a practical operation; the last attempt was an effort to copy some of the projects they run at Substation 33. I believe this still has potential but is lacking a leader with sufficient technical knowledge. In the meantime, we could consider additional projects utilizing existing facilities, including the manufacture of coffins! Perhaps dog kennels, general pet equipment, including pet coffins? That type of work, if successful, would be undertaken by a different group of people on different days, allowing us to increase the number of days the shed is in operation. When the shed reopens (expected to be on 26th January) we intend to make a few pet products to test the market and will keep the club informed. The shed is open for everyone in the club. Any suggestions or help is very much appreciated. Please, whenever you can, join us for coffee on Saturday mornings. To summarize: we are going to do something about Social Media and actively look at additional products. We encourage members to contact anyone they think could volunteer on Saturday mornings. Larry Murray is Chairman of the Surfers Sunrise Wheelchair Trust, an Australian registered Charity organisation
Our project shed: Future direction | Larry Murray | 2022-01-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday: The future of our Project Shed
Posted on Jan 07, 2022
Wheelchair Trust Chairman Larry Murray will outline his views, followed by open discussion of the various points. This is an interactive session - you are invited to actively participate in the discussion!
This coming Wednesday: The future of our Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2022-01-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
So you are freshly out of NY Resolutions?
Posted by Franz Huber
But there is one resolution I have decided to really give a go: Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta's challenge of "Each One, Bring One". Membership is every Rotarian's responsibility. That includes not only finding new members but equal emphasis must be given to ensure that we keep current members engaged and comfortable within our club. Anyone joining me in the challenge?
So you are freshly out of NY Resolutions? | Franz Huber | 2022-01-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet Kate Worboys - our RYTS awardee
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Kate studies at St Hildas Girl's School in Southport, where she is a member of the school's debating team. She already has numerous achievements well worth mentioning, including the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award and the Reuben F. Scarf Memorial Foundation Award. She participated in the State Athletics Championship (Javelin is her forte) as well as in the BSRA Rowing Championships and many other sports. Congratulations! Looking forward to your presentation upon your return. Kate will join us on 2nd February for a brief outline of her experiences.
Meet Kate Worboys - our RYTS awardee | Franz Huber | 2021-12-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
It's History now, but it was great!
Posted on Dec 30, 2021
![]() (There is also a brief video on our facebook page |
It's History now, but it was great! | Franz Huber | 2021-12-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big weekend at Surfers Sunrise!
Posted by Franz Huber
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Big weekend at Surfers Sunrise! | Franz Huber | 2021-12-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet Sophia Seumahu, our NYSF AwardeeSophia will go into Year 12 next year at Kings Christian College. There is no doubt that she is VERY enthusiastic about STEM - almost bubbling with the joy of expectation, the anticipation of meeting or having direct online conversations with a STEM enthusiast's equivalent of a rock star... Her speech was delivered fluently - not a single 'like...', 'uuhmmm...' one normally expects from a young person (as well as from some not very young either! ☺). Read her well-structured and informative speech - it is in the Download Section on the right. Sophia will be doing a full presentation on her experiences on 2nd March 2022. (Photo: Sophia with her father Ben (left) and PDG Darrell Brown, our District's Chair of Youth Programs.) |
Meet Sophia Seumahu, our NYSF Awardee | Franz Huber | 2021-12-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
December’s monthly theme is Disease Prevention and Treatment
Posted by Franz Huber
When we think of Rotary + Disease Prevention, our first thought goes to that humongous international project, Polio Plus, the eradication of Polio. It was started just a bit over a year before our club was chartered in February 1987, with a budget of – then – eyewatering $US 120 Million. At the time, there were an estimated 350,000 cases of Polio in 125 countries. Since then, 2.5 Billion children have been immunised. Today, Polio cases have been reduced by 99.99%, with only very few cases remaining in regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, almost impossible to access. But let’s look closer to home: In our club, Surfers Sunrise, we have the almost completed X-Ray Unit for Vanuatu, and of course our ‘Rough Terrain’ wheelchairs our volunteers manufacture by repurposing unwanted bicycles. For the latter, one might argue that it cannot be classified into ‘preventing disease’. Think again. ![]() Nationally, in Australia and New Zealand we have Australian Rotary Health (formerly called the Australian Rotary Health Research Fund). This fund awards around $1 Million every year in grants to researchers in various disciplines, but primarily relating to mental health, as well as scholarships for training of indigenous nurses. Another important District Project: the Human Brain Research Project. The program funds a 3 year program for a PHD student doing research into Parkinson’s Disease. There are various other both local as well as international projects at both individual club as well as at our District level aimed at Disease Prevention and Treatment. Check out our District Website. |
December’s monthly theme is Disease Prevention and Treatment | Franz Huber | 2021-12-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Many of our members are regulars at the Project Shed
Posted by Franz Huber
Many of our members are regulars at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-12-05 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ian Mayberry wins 2021 Queensland Sports Award for Motorsports | Franz Huber | 2021-11-25 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not all our wheelchairs go to children
Posted by Franz Huber
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Not all our wheelchairs go to children | Franz Huber | 2021-11-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Collecting Gold Coins at Horizon Boat Show![]() Picture above shows Trent and Joe (President) setting up. Good work, fellows!
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Collecting Gold Coins at Horizon Boat Show | Franz Huber | 2021-11-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thank you letter from Kilu'ufi Hospital, Solomon Islands
Posted by Col Laurenson
![]() "... this donation will for sure touch the lives of some of our patients, which will enable them mobilised..." The full letter is in the download section on the right. All of you who work on wheelchairs and/or are involved in getting them to the "end-user" and raise funds to make it possible: give yourself a pat on the back!
Thank you letter from Kilu'ufi Hospital, Solomon Islands | Col Laurenson | 2021-11-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Remember all those chairs we cleaned up?
Posted by Franz Huber
Give yourself a pat on the back, people!
Remember all those chairs we cleaned up? | Franz Huber | 2021-11-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yes, TWO fundraisers this coming weekend!In addition to the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Sunday 21st November (organiser: Geoff Croad), our new member Paul O'Neill is arranging a roster to collect Parking Fee Gold Coins at the Horizon Shores Boat Show this coming weekend, from Friday 19th to Sunday 21st November 2021. It is at 80 Cabbage Tree Point Road Steiglitz 4207 (Jacob's Creek). This could, of course, result in an annual fundraiser. Two people required for each time slot: Friday 19th November, 3:45 pm to 7:30 pm Saturday 20th November, 08:30 am to 12:00 pm Saturday 20th November, 11:45 am to 4 pm Sunday 21st November, 08:30 am to 12:00 pm Sunday 21st November, 11:45 am to 4 pm Paul has arranged all the gear (buckets, vests, Square terminals etc). Of course, why not stay and check out the boats while you are there? Click here for tickets to the boat show
Yes, TWO fundraisers this coming weekend! | Franz Huber | 2021-11-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday: Bill Edgar – The Coffin Confessor
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() But that, in 50 words, tells you the basics of this extraordinary man. Bill Edgar, last Wednesday’s guest speaker, briefly started by outlining his career: from living on the streets of Surfers Paradise, to gaining a full scholarship at a prestigious private school (and leaving it), to becoming a nightclub bouncer, to becoming a licensed Private Detective. But what is quite unique about Bill is his self-described business: ‘The Coffin Confessor’ started off when one of his clients, on his death bed, engaged him to – literally – “crash” his upcoming funeral and interrupt the service. His client, very unhappy to find out that his best mate was trying to have an affair with his wife, wanted it to be known to everyone. They are not necessarily all as vindictive as that. Take another one of his clients, the Sergeant of one of the big bikie gangs: he desired to be buried together with his Harley. “Can’t be done!” they said. “Can be done indeed!” said Bill, and arranged it. Another wanted to be sure that his family wouldn’t find out about his very deep secret; all evidence was to be removed. The evidence? In his basement, he had a sex dungeon… Bill makes sure that it is all proven and above board: everything is pre-investigated to ensure it is true, all interviews are recorded. Meanwhile, Penguin has published his book and he has secured a deal for the movie rights. Like to get a more detailed account? Get Bill’s book ‘The Coffin Confessor’! |
Last Wednesday: Bill Edgar – The Coffin Confessor | Franz Huber | 2021-11-10 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thank you, D'Arcy Arms, we appreciate your support
Posted by Franz Huber
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Thank you, D'Arcy Arms, we appreciate your support | Franz Huber | 2021-11-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday: Bill Edgar - The Coffin Confessor
This is a must attend event - I assure you, you won't be disappointed. "Supporting Act": Ellen Wark, who is in charge of Administration of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award), will visit us to give us a brief outline of what RYLA is all about. Over the years, we have supported dozens of RYLA awardees. The most recent: Kristen 'KJ' Jewson and Sasha Kimber back in January this year. |
This coming Wednesday: Bill Edgar - The Coffin Confessor | Franz Huber | 2021-11-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excellent Surfers Sunrise annual Golf Day
Posted on Oct 27, 2021
Excellent Surfers Sunrise annual Golf Day | Franz Huber | 2021-10-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This year's Lutzy Award goes to Jett Milford-Ferguson
Posted on Oct 27, 2021
(Photo - from left: President Paul Seymour, Jan Lutz, Jett Milford - Ferguson, David Orchy, Charles Thomasson) |
This year's Lutzy Award goes to Jett Milford-Ferguson | Franz Huber | 2021-10-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Friday: Polio Plus Train and Tram Ride
Posted by Franz Huber on Oct 23, 2021
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Last Friday: Polio Plus Train and Tram Ride | Franz Huber | 2021-10-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anyone knows a concreter "with heart"? |
Anyone knows a concreter "with heart"? | Franz Huber | 2021-10-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Polio Plus Train Ride this coming Friday
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Going to the Italian Long Lunch? You'll have plenty of time to get there!
Polio Plus Train Ride this coming Friday | Franz Huber | 2021-10-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
New compressor has arrived at the Project Shed![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Angus Miller arranged for the pickup and at the same time also picked up two massive new batteries for our motorised pallet lift.
Photo shows him contemplating whether to lift it off the ute by himself, but then thought the better of it... See above. (Photos by Paul Seymour) |
New compressor has arrived at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-10-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday: AFL legend Simon Black
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() Paul Smith skilfully “interviewed” Simon on his background. You can obtain a lot of data from his Wikipedia page, so let’s concentrate on some personal stuff: In one of his first sessions with Brisbane Lions super-coach Leigh Matthews, he learned about how tough it is to reach the Senior team in an AFL club:“I’ll be here in 2 years’ time, but I don’t know how many of you will be.” Naturally, the glory years were mentioned: three consecutive Premierships in 2001, 2002 and 2003, and almost a fourth one in 2004. If ever there was a lesson in team play: “Play your role” the coach would insist, “and accept your role. Your individual reputation entirely depends on your team’s reputation.” Today, Simon is coaching the Brisbane Lion’s “forward line and attacking systems” (watch that video again to see what is meant by this). In addition, he runs the Simon Black Australian Rules Academy, teaching young men the skills of playing Aussie Rules whilst gaining a Diploma in Sports Development or even a Bachelor of Business – Sports Management. “In the morning, we wear them out, in the afternoon we get them to study” he said. Oh, did I mention that, in 2019, Simon also competed in the ‘Australian Survivor’ series? Not enough space here to describe it, click here for more details. Photo (from left): Charles Thomasson, President Paul Seymour, Simon Black, Paul Smith |
Last Wednesday: AFL legend Simon Black | Franz Huber | 2021-10-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings
Posted by Franz Huber
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Great Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings | Franz Huber | 2021-10-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Italian Long Lunch this Friday 22nd OctoberThere will be plenty of Italian style Christmas dishes. Johnny has secured a major sponsor: My Carte, and a number of corporate tables have been sold as well. The price includes all food, unlimited wine and beer, entertainment. All proceeds go towards the X-Ray Unit and Blood Analyser for Vanuatu. Note: COVID restrictions impose an upper limit of just 120 attendees. |
Italian Long Lunch this Friday 22nd October | Franz Huber | 2021-10-02 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
DG Jeff Egan had the congregation captivated
Posted by Franz Huber
![]() I've heard people comparing Rotary to be a close substitute for church. [Don't shoot the piano player! I am well aware of Rotary's principle of being non-denominational etc. But guilty as charged. Ed]. But when Al Sirovs sent me this shot he took last Wednesday of "the congregation" paying close attention to District Governor Jeff Egan's address via Zoom, I couldn't help the comparison... The big monitor was placed quite high above, just as the pulpit would be in a cathedral. DG Jeff, you had them spellbound!
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DG Jeff Egan had the congregation captivated | Franz Huber | 2021-10-02 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A BIG Thank You to Ball & DoggettErnie Bargewell (centre), accepted the certificate on behalf of the donor, representing his company Ball & Doggett. In the background on TV is our District Governor Jeff Egan, who joined our meeting via Zoom. |
A BIG Thank You to Ball & Doggett | Franz Huber | 2021-09-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday: Meeting at the Project ShedA hearty Bacon & Eggs breakfast will be provided (yes, we'll have some food suitable for Health & Fitness adherents too). Chief Designer and Mover & Shaker, Des La Rance will showcase our wheelchairs as well as the Mauna Health Centre X-Ray project, which is now getting close to lock-up stage. See you there from 07:00 am!
This coming Wednesday: Meeting at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-09-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Our" Tash Price wins Myabetic Diabetes Award!Our hearty congratulations, we are so proud, Tash and Adam, to count you among our membership.
"Our" Tash Price wins Myabetic Diabetes Award! | Franz Huber | 2021-09-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finally, the Paul Harris Fellowship pins have arrived!![]() |
Finally, the Paul Harris Fellowship pins have arrived! | Franz Huber | 2021-09-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brian Pearson: Cooking, my passion![]() At last Wednesday's meeting, our new Surfers Sunrise Rotary member Brian Pearson, who recently transferred to our club, gave us an insight into his background. As is customary at Surfers Sunrise, new members are encouraged to expand their 'Rotarian behind the Badge' talks to include one of their major hobbies or passions. Brian opened his talk about his culinary journey around the World. He invoked the memory of food rationing in post-World War Two Britain which continued into the early years of the 1950s. After briefly touching upon his early life in Grimsby and work as a sales manager in speciality chemicals, he regaled members with colourful stories of gastronomic explorations, first in Europe and northern Africa and then later, after relocating to East Asia and marrying, some of the more exotic dishes he savoured, including a Cobra Cocktail (of sorts) and various indecisive seafood dishes. Brian shared his love for cooking and provided his recipe for the best Wagyu steak – ever. His mantra to eat the local cuisine rather than their attempts at replicating western dishes was perhaps, given some of the more bizarre dishes he had described earlier, lost on some members... (Photo, by Andy Bell: Brian (left) is presented a 'Thank you!' by meeting chairman of the day, Larry Murray.)
Brian Pearson: Cooking, my passion | Mitch Brown | 2021-09-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
September is Basic Education and Literacy month
September is Basic Education and Literacy month | Franz Huber | 2021-09-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surfers Sunrise Golf Day: Monday 25th October
Posted by Franz Huber on Sep 02, 2021
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Chief organizer Charles Thomasson is looking both for players as well as helpers. If you and/or your friends, associates, customers, suppliers want to play: Bookings have now opened - click on this link or click on this QR Code. Bookings will close 6 pm this Wednesday 20th October! |
Surfers Sunrise Golf Day: Monday 25th October | Franz Huber | 2021-09-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A whole bunch of Paul Harris Fellows |
A whole bunch of Paul Harris Fellows | Franz Huber | 2021-08-31 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presentation of the Lutzy Award in two weeks![]() All pre-booked tickets have been retained, but of course, you mightn't have been able to participate on the original date, or you may want to invite some friends to come along. Here is the link to book: Choose from the menu when booking: Poached or fried eggs, bacon or sausages, and if you prefer a vegetarian meal: a bowl of Acai with toasted granola, shredded coconut and fruits. Bookings close on Sunday night, 12th September. Please feel free to contact Franz if you require further information.
Presentation of the Lutzy Award in two weeks | Franz Huber | 2021-08-31 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Saturday coming up at the Project ShedCol Laurenson has arranged for an empty container to be delivered at the Project Shed this Friday, in readiness for it to be loaded on Saturday. We have a large trailer load of school desks and chairs coming in from Toowoomba. They might need some TLC to clean them up before we load them. Col advises that loading desks and chairs is “a bit of a jigsaw puzzle” to optimize the space. ![]() While we are on the subject: a huge ‘Thank You!’ goes to Neil Thurlow who donated a massive compressor and associated accessories, worth several thousands of dollars (see photo right). ‘On ya, Neil! |
Big Saturday coming up at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-08-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle in perfect weather(Photo, from left: Charles, Johnny, Johnny's partner Catherine and a customer)
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle in perfect weather | Franz Huber | 2021-08-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our newest member: Brian PearsonIf you hear him speak, you'd know that he has a mild accent... [ok, I hear you, no need to shout! ☺ Ed.] His career involved Speciality Chemicals, culminating in 12 years in Hong Kong as Managing Director of the North Asian Subsidiary of a U.K. chemical company. Brian moved to Australia in 1999 and subsequently retired here, joining the Rotary Club of Broadbeach in 2008. He served as club Secretary, and 2 years later as President. He also held positions as Foundation Director and Bulletin Editor for several years. In 2011/12 Brian was elected as District Secretary and served under DG Graham Jones and again the following year under Sandra Domany. He also served as District Polio Chair and District Chair of ROMAC. |
Meet our newest member: Brian Pearson | Franz Huber | 2021-08-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thank you, Nicole Hickey![Old German Proverb: "Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.' Translated: 'The apple doesn't fall far from the trunk'. The English equivalent is 'A chip off the old block'. I think the German one is more precise... Ed.]
Thank you, Nicole Hickey! | Franz Huber | 2021-08-15 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Who can be invited to join Surfers Sunrise Rotary?These days, the rules are very simple and straightforward. Here is an extract from the Membership section of our Club Consitution of 2019 (1): Section 1 — General Qualifications. This club shall be composed of adult persons who demonstrate good character, integrity, and leadership; possess a good reputation within their business, profession, and/or community; and are willing to serve in their community and/or around the world. That should be simple enough. In other words, the majority of people in your circle of friends, in business, your suppliers, your customers qualify. Rotary is absolutely non-denominational, absolutely gender-neutral. All we ask for is of good character, has integrity, and a good reputation. Start making a list and invite them to come to one of our meetings. (1) Members can download the Club Constitution from our website: (you need to login to the Member Area, top right of home page), then select Organisation, Documents and search for Constitution. |
Who can be invited to join Surfers Sunrise Rotary? | Franz Huber | 2021-08-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why would one want to join Rotary?The Opportunity to Serve Rotarians provide service at both the community and international levels. Our club, Surfers Sunrise is most prominent in International Service (our Project Shed) and Youth Services, where we support a broad spectrum of events. Being a member gives you the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the community. Professional Networking A founding principle of Rotary was to provide a forum for professional and business leaders. Members are leaders in business, industry, the professions, the arts, government, sports, the military, and religion. They make decisions and influence policy. Rotary is the oldest, most prestigious service club organization in the world. Personal Growth and Development Membership in Rotary ensures continuing personal development. Leadership, public speaking and communication, organization and planning, team-building and fundraising are just a sampling of the skills that can be exercised and enhanced through Rotary. Friendship Fellowship was a primary reason Rotary was started in 1905, and it remains a major attraction. Today, with more than 32,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries, Rotarians have friends wherever they go. Rotary helps to build community as well as enduring friendships. Did you know that you can join any Rotary club meeting in any country in the world? No need to be invited. You can simply turn up and say "G'day!, I'm from the Surfers Sunrise Rotary Club, on the Gold Coast..." There is a person whom you thought to invite. Do it now.! |
Why would one want to join Rotary? | Franz Huber | 2021-08-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Shed to open again this coming Saturday![]() |
Project Shed to open again this coming Saturday | Franz Huber | 2021-08-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Each one, bring one.Now, those of you who have been in business and/or in sales: To get one prospect you have to ask many more people than just one. To get one new customer, you need to have many prospects. Finding suitable Rotarians is really no different. And just as you would have determined the parameters for your ideal customer, you should do likewise when determining who is suitable to become a Rotarian. As President Paul outlined in his brief address at the changeover: we are looking for quality. Need some ammunition? Refer your potential member to our website and our Facebook page Both are maintained constantly. On top of that, we have the new sites relating to our Project Shed: and, recently set up by KJ Jewson and Matt Hayward. |
Each one, bring one. | Franz Huber | 2021-07-31 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This thing weighs a ton! (Well, a quarter ton anyway!)![]() |
This thing weighs a ton! (Well, a quarter ton anyway!) | Franz Huber | 2021-07-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
'You Beauty!' Changeover at EdgewaterAfter MC Andy Bell's welcome, Secretary Mitch Brown proposed a toast to Rotary International. "Our" resident Past District Governor Darrell Brown responded, highlighting (now Past) District Governor Andy Rajapakse's major goal of increasing the membership from 1210 at the beginning of the year to a "moonshot" total of 1400. Impossible! they said. Well, that number was indeed achieved, but as is not unusual, at the end of the year, numbers slightly dropped to an excellent 1376. District 9640 can now boast of having the largest membership in our Zone. (Now Past) President Charles Thomasson outlined a summary of the past 12 months' major highlights: The continued re-organisation of the Project Shed, the Italian Long Lunchand the Golf Day major fundraisers, the induction of new members. Our commitment to the X-Ray Unit for Vanuatu project, the new websites for the Wheelchair Trust and the Vanuatu projects. He foreshadowed that another Lutzy Award presentation coming up on 4th August. Charles then moved on to present special recognitions:
'You Beauty!' Changeover at Edgewater | Franz Huber | 2021-07-21 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Shed to re-open this SaturdayUnless new COVID rules appear before, our Project Shed at Arundel will re-open this coming Saturday 24th July 2021 and onwards every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Note, you will need to check-in using the Qld Government Check-in App. All the usual COVID rules apply.
Project Shed to re-open this Saturday | Franz Huber | 2021-07-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
District 9640 Q&A Sessions![]()
The Gold Coast session is on Sunday 22nd August 09:00 am for 09:30 am start. Mowbray Surf Club, Goodwin Terrace, Burleigh Heads Bookings close - Friday 13th August Price of $20.00 includes a light lunch. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about effective project planning and creating a vibrant and inclusive Club through membership retention with members of the District Leadership team. There will also be plenty of opportunities to discuss matters raised by the on-line District Assembly presentations. |
District 9640 Q&A Sessions | Franz Huber | 2021-07-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 21st July: Breakfast at EdgewaterWith the ongoing COVID restrictions announced, we could not secure a date within a reasonable time period with The Links Resort to accommodate our numbers for a Luncheon. Thus, the decision was made to instead have a Changeover Breakfast next Wednesday 21st July 2021 (from 07:00 am, for 07:30 am start) at Edgewater Dining Shop 3 G7, Capri on Via Roma Isle of Capri 4217 (same place as last year). We'll have the entire restaurant to ourselves, and the menu will again be a delicious pre-selection of “The Halloumi” (Vegetarian) or “Classic Benedict” Tea, Coffee or Juice The cost per person is $30.00. Bookings have closed and we have advised the restaurant of numbers. If you haven't booked, but would like to attend, please call convener Graeme Isaacson directly. See you there! |
This coming Wednesday 21st July: Breakfast at Edgewater | Franz Huber | 2021-07-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last week's Guest Speaker: Malia McMahonSo it came as a quite refreshing change to see Malia McMahon, just 14 years old, quite confidently get up in front of a bunch of mostly elderly, mostly unsmiling gentlemen [OK, I said mostly, there were some young members as well as ladies there too! ☺ Ed.] and give us a presentation about herself and particularly about her experiences at the recent RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program for Enrichment) camp. RYPEN is for 14 – 16 year olds, ‘designed to develop skills that will assist them in transition to adulthood. She was nominated by the Surfers Paradise SLSC as an emerging leader and sponsored by our Rotary club. You can download Malia’s full speech, well worth reading, from the Download Section on the right, so I won’t rehash it. But one of the outstanding moments was when she briefly struggled with her emotions. “The CODID-19 lockdown in 2020 was one of the hardest things I’ve probably ever experienced. I experienced frustration… anger… tears… and for the first time in my life… a form of depression.” Malia described the typical symptoms of depression she experienced: lack of motivation to accomplish anything, wanting to do nothing but sleep all day… With a bit of ‘physical close standing by’ from her mum, she quickly recovered herself though. And that is the hallmark of a future leader: the ability to recover, to regain control. Thank you Malia. That was impressive indeed. Photo: Malia (right) with the meeting's Chairman, Ashleigh Symes |
Last week's Guest Speaker: Malia McMahon | Franz Huber | 2021-07-07 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gold Coast Makers Rotaract Club features in RDU![]() ![]() |
Gold Coast Makers Rotaract Club features in RDU | Franz Huber | 2021-07-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Excellent fundraiser at the Gold Coast Small Business ExpoPicture: front Matt Hayward and organiser Darrell Brown; at rear Franz Huber, Adrian Crowe, incoming President Paul Seymour, Al Sirovs). Another couple of pictures on our facebook page
Excellent fundraiser at the Gold Coast Small Business Expo | Franz Huber | 2021-06-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our volunteers: Jimmy Pearce![]() He was born some 67 years ago in Invercargill, on the very southern end of the New Zealand South Island. (Yes, they breed them tough down there; there isn’t much between that town and Antarctica…) Jimmy's vocation - and passion - is Building Construction, and specifically, the management of major commercial projects. Jimmy is a citizen of the world: his career took him to places such as New Caledonia, Amsterdam, the UK. One of his major projects was with Jacobs Engineering Group in their Singapore branch, where he had a senior role in the construction of a major centre for a Pharmaceutical company. “That was not only one of the most remarkable projects I’d done, but I also learned a lot there about modern construction methods,” he said. Today, he still keeps fully active, not just at our Project Shed, but he also is in charge of maintenance at the Tamborine Mountain College. But it’s not just large-scale construction: one of Jimmy’s hobbies is fine woodworking. He recently built his own guitar, and is now learning how to play it! To balance the physical work, he follows his other hobbies of Computer Assisted Design, listens to Rock: ”Uriah Heep, Jimmy Barnes (think Working Class Man… ☺) and the like”, and keeps fit. Very fit, working out at the Gym, Martial Arts, walking about 10 Km a day… Unfortunately, some 5 years ago, Jimmy’s wife passed away quite suddenly, due to a severe Melanoma. “I’m still finding the transition to being single again quite difficult”, he said. His daughter lives in Invercargill, and he is the proud grandfather of four grandkids. Welcome to the Surfers Sunrise Project Shed, Jimmy! |
Meet our volunteers: Jimmy Pearce | Franz Huber | 2021-06-26 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Charles Thomasson: State of the Market
Charles Thomasson: State of the Market | Franz Huber | 2021-06-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wonderful feedback from South Africa![]() A copy of their report, as well as some photo compilations, can be accessed from the Download Page on the right. How good is that! Photo above: Do we have an African model of our 'Happy' boy who is displayed on our promo material?
![]() |
Wonderful feedback from South Africa | Franz Huber | 2021-06-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
New Wheelchair Trust website bears fruit![]() The sites are already live. Still, the main developers, Craig Parker (Digital Connections), Rotaractors Kristen 'KJ' Jewson and Matt Haywood continue to spend serious time on further enhancement. Click on these links: A big THANK YOU! go to the dedicated development team, who all worked on a voluntary basis. Furthermore, Craig Parker arranged free Google Adwords advertising. All going according to plan, this should assist us to raise much needed funds in support of our wheelchairs and building projects.
New Wheelchair Trust website bears fruit | Franz Huber | 2021-06-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inaugural Repair Café and Tool Library at our Project Shed![]() ![]() Group photo: President of the GC Makers Rotaract club, Blake Foster (third from right) and Harrison Howick (4th from right). Second photo: Our treasurer Doug Lipp gets his edge trimmer fixed.
Inaugural Repair Café and Tool Library at our Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-06-12 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repair Shop and Tool Library at our Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-06-02 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Neil Thurlow wants you to join him to ride 400 Km with him![]() Neil is our master printer who supports Rotary all year round by providing printing services either at no charge or at a ridiculously low price. Now it's your turn.
Neil Thurlow wants you to join him to ride 400 Km with him | Franz Huber | 2021-06-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
GC Business Expo 23 - 24. June: Helpers neededWe have again been offered to do the 'Bump-in' and 'Bump-out' at the Gold Coast Business Expo as well as for the Gold Coin collection post at the car park and at the door. Looking for helpers on both days: Wednesday 23/06/21 at 2:00 pm Bump-in: some more people would be good Thursday 24/05/21 at 3:30 pm Bump-out - need lots more Thursday 24/06/21 Gold Coin Collection 08:00 am - 10:00 am - 3 people needed 10:00 am - 12:00 am - 3 people needed, tapering off to 2 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm - 2 people, tapering off to 1 Please email Darrell Brown directly the times you can be there, or call him on his mobile, thank you. |
GC Business Expo 23 - 24. June: Helpers needed | Franz Huber | 2021-05-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
George Keily ongoing drive to collect spectacles![]() ![]() |
George Keily ongoing drive to collect spectacles | Franz Huber | 2021-05-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 26th May: KJ Jewson and Sasha KimberSee you at the Surfers Paradise Surf Life Saving Club, 07:00 am! Grab your breakfast at the bistro downstairs and take it to the upstairs venue for some fellowship before the meeting starts at 07:30 am sharp.
This Wednesday 26th May: KJ Jewson and Sasha Kimber | Franz Huber | 2021-05-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
WHAT? Where is this leading to?![]() Over my last 34 odd years of Rotary membership, I’ve attended most of the annual conferences. This was the first time it was shortened to just one day, and thus some of the most enjoyable and important ingredients, such as the Friday and Saturday night events and their associated “deep” networking, were sadly missing. But there was plenty of the conventional stuff too: The Entrance of the Flags, led by Angie Bell MP (she was an Exchange Student to Denmark), Dr Michael Pyne talking about the Koala Chlamydia epidemic, Prof Michael Good AO on the status of the Malaria Vaccine project which is massively supported by Rotary. Attending a District Conference is somewhat akin to recharging the old “Rotary Enthusiasm” batteries. Or perhaps I could compare it to applying a good cut and polish: Presentations such as the interview by the District’s Youth Programs Chair, “our” PDG Darrell Brown, with four awardees of leadership development programs (picture above), reinforce one’s commitment “to the cause”. You should have been there!
WHAT? Where is this leading to? | Franz Huber | 2021-05-15 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's Guest Speaker: Vandy S Kamara![]() Located “about 3 – 4 hours’ drive from the nearest town”, the school provides education to underprivileged children. Since his presentation last year, the school has been expanded to cater for the increased enrolments. They have also invested in teacher training and provided learning materials and resources. Vandy is coordinating with the local village chiefs to source some building materials locally. But a lot of building materials such as cement and iron rods need to be imported. Vandy, who works at Wesley Mission Queensland caring for homeless people in various areas all the way to Katherine in the Northern Territory, emigrated to Australia some 11 years ago. Talking about applying the proverbial Aussie "Have a go" principle! He holds numerous academic achievements, including a Master of Public Health and an Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management. Although last year his application to a World Peace & Conflict Resolution Scholarship was unsuccessful, our club nominated him again upon instigation by the Rotary Foundation to apply again this year. Photo: Vandy’ (centre) with President Charles Thomasson, Rebecca and Tanya from Wesley Mission and Ray Higgs. Vandy's presentation is in the Download Section on the right. |
Last Wednesday's Guest Speaker: Vandy S Kamara | Franz Huber | 2021-05-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
District 9640 Conference is this coming Saturday![]() Among the hugely interesting keynote speakers is Jason Browne (via Zoom), Public Image Co-Ordinator, Zone 28 & 29, Pennsylvania State University Rotary Club, on "Can we make M&M's in Rotary?" Click here for more information and to book. Note: Officially, bookings closed on 1st May, but if you hurry, you might still be able to slip in...
District 9640 Conference is this coming Saturday | Franz Huber | 2021-05-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday, 12th May: Vandy S Kamara![]() |
This coming Wednesday, 12th May: Vandy S Kamara | Franz Huber | 2021-05-04 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
X-Ray Unit for Vanuatu will be "Completely Knocked Down"![]() |
X-Ray Unit for Vanuatu will be "Completely Knocked Down" | Franz Huber | 2021-04-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
May is 'Youth Services' month![]() ![]() In addition, this year Youth Services Director Darrell Brown has budgeted to support a candidate for MUNA (Model United Nations Assembly, happening this weekend!). Of course, we have met our Rotaractors KJ Jewson, Matt Howard, Blake Foster, Chumani Brookhouse, Harrison Howick and many other Rotaractors who helped on the Vanuatu project at the shed and on our new website. Is your head spinning yet? Yes, Rotary has so much to offer. [In my next life, I might join a ![]() ![]() This month's edition of Rotary Down Under magazine has a special feature on Youth Service. Click here to access an online version of the magazine. |
May is 'Youth Services' month | Franz Huber | 2021-04-29 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's Guest Speaker: Angie Bell MP![]() There would be so much material to talk about. Angie selected her travel to Bangladesh in January last year, on behalf of the ‘Save the Children’ fund, visiting refugee camps. “I witnessed a small girl chopping off the nails of chicken feet to supplement the food in her mum’s wok” she graphically outlined the experience. The problems faced are immense. The camps total around 1.1 million people, some 750,000 recent arrivals alone people who escaped persecution in Myanmar. To accommodate the camps, virgin jungle is torn up, in the process seriously threatening the survival of wildlife, such as the Indian Elephant. On the local scene, Angie works closely with Ministers Stuart Roberts and Karen Andrews on the ‘Re-imagine Gold Coast’ project. Space does not permit us to elaborate, but find out all about it: click on this link to download it all from Angie’s website. In summary: Isn't it refreshing indeed to listen to a Member of Parliament who can fluently put some words together, speak freshly and coherently “off the cuff” and, most importantly, who talks sense! |
Last Wednesday's Guest Speaker: Angie Bell MP | Franz Huber | 2021-04-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
More feedback from South AfricaIt's always a great pleasure to receive news from "end users" of our wheelchairs. Here is an update from Heather Howard of the Rotary Club of Port Alfred, South Africa, one of the clubs which was allocated about 40 from a container we recently sent there (refer bulletin of 27th January 2021 for last update): Just in case you were wondering about our progress, we write to confirm that we have distributed almost all our 20 wheelchairs and have been given two extra by Kenton because we have found such a need here. We have sourced the recipients through the local health clinics which has proved very effective, and have been travelling round delivering the chairs to excited and grateful people, young and old, or their carers. As soon as we have completed the distribution, we’ll be reporting to you with signed forms and the relevant photograph on each form, and also with a report. In the meantime, we attach a newspaper cutting featuring the story. [You can download it for full viewing - see Download Section on the right. Ed.] There is a good chance that we'll hook up to have a Zoom meeting soon - watch this space! ![]() |
More feedback from South Africa | Franz Huber | 2021-04-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 28th April: Angie Bell MP |
This coming Wednesday 28th April: Angie Bell MP | Franz Huber | 2021-04-23 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tash Price wins Bronze at National Championships![]() |
Tash Price wins Bronze at National Championships | Franz Huber | 2021-04-18 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Baton Relay - RC of Parkwood transfers to Surfers Sunrise![]() |
Baton Relay - RC of Parkwood transfers to Surfers Sunrise | Franz Huber | 2021-04-15 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great BBQ Breakfast at the Project ShedFor the benefit of our visitors, President Charles Thomasson briefly outlined our wheelchairs and building projects, in particular the current project to provide an X-Ray unit for the hospital on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu. Project Services Director Larry Murray provided additional detail, and particularly highlighted the contribution of our member Ben Illes, who arranged the donation of all timber by Paradise Timber & Trusses. Thank you! President Elect Paul Seymour foreshadowed our Changeover Luncheon to be on Sunday 4th July 2021. Details to follow, but put into your diary now. Mario Fairlie has organised a meeting for this coming Saturday 17th April at 08:00 am at the Community Centre adjacent to the shed. Its principal purpose is to elaborate on the Global Grant application to be submitted to raise the total of $100,000 required for the X-Ray equipment for Vanuatu. Photo: Wheelchair Trustee Peter Morgan, Volunteer Brian Mitchell getting served by our BBQ Chef Angus Miller |
Great BBQ Breakfast at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-04-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tash Price in 3 events at the National Athletics Championships![]() ![]() |
Tash Price in 3 events at the National Athletics Championships | Franz Huber | 2021-04-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 14th April: Breakfast at the Project Shed![]() ![]() But there is more! See next story.
This coming Wednesday 14th April: Breakfast at the Project Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-04-09 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nationwide Forklifts donates two Pallet Jacks![]() |
Nationwide Forklifts donates two Pallet Jacks | Franz Huber | 2021-03-31 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tony Schaper delivers another load of... what??![]() |
Tony Schaper delivers another load of... what?? | Franz Huber | 2021-03-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Remember our "pocket rocket" from Italy?![]() ![]() |
Remember our "pocket rocket" from Italy? | Franz Huber | 2021-03-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to our newest member: Trent Belling |
Welcome to our newest member: Trent Belling | Franz Huber | 2021-03-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jeremy Bishop – The Realities of RainJeremy Bishop, who describes himself as an ‘Engagement Advisor’, together with his co-worker Katrina Lambert, provided us with a very professional, concise presentation on the huge organisation which quietly ensures that such a nightmare scenario will not happen. In control of some $11 Billion worth of dams, water treatment plants and pipelines, SEQ Water doesn’t just provide drinking and bath water, but also irrigation water to 1200 farmers. Remember the “Millennium Drought”? It wasn’t pretty. The Hinze Dam (at that time Stage 3 hadn’t been built yet), as well as overall dam levels in South East Queensland went on average to around the 20% mark. Meanwhile, we have a Desalination Plant and Stage 3 of the Hinze Dam, built in 2011, doubled its capacity to over 310,000 Million Litres. Our ‘Water Grid’ boasts some 600 Km of bi-directional water pipeline. Space does not permit to outline Jeremy’s seminar in detail, but on the Download Pages (right side) you will find a PDF of his PowerPoint which is very interesting reading indeed. (Photo, from left: Chairman of the day, Peter Morgan, Katrina Lambert, SEQ Water, Jeremy Bishop) |
Jeremy Bishop – The Realities of Rain | Franz Huber | 2021-03-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Neil Thurlow promotes Rotary in Ipswich![]() 'On ya, Neil!
Neil Thurlow promotes Rotary in Ipswich | Franz Huber | 2021-03-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 17th March: The Realities of Rain
Big morning coming up! Members & Associates: Please wear your Club T-Shirt. (KJ wants to take a photo of us for the new Wheelchair Trust website.) |
This coming Wednesday 17th March: The Realities of Rain | Franz Huber | 2021-03-13 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
From Major General (Rtd) Susil Chandrapala: Thank you for the wheelchairs![]() ![]() Thank you for the feedback, General. Good to hear that together we are all making a difference!
From Major General (Rtd) Susil Chandrapala: Thank you for the wheelchairs | Franz Huber | 2021-02-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our volunteers: Ben LootsIn 1983, he moved with his family to New Zealand (“for two years” – haven’t we heard that before!), where he worked in Industrial Automation for 7 years, then started his own company, specialising in Voice – Data – Radio communications. In 2002 he sold his business and came across the ditch to Australia, where he specialised in Nuclear Medicine, before coming to the Gold Coast in 2013, continuing in his technical career in keeping medical electronics working. Ben’s interests are very wide: Firstly, he reads “anything to do with technology” [some people might call him a ‘Nerd’… Ed.] Electronics is not just his profession, it is one of his hobbies too. He is an avid photographer – “I have about four cameras... or so” he commented. Add to that Alternative Energy, Environmental Science (in 2014 he won a federal award for his work in cleaning up a waterway in the estate where he lives), even small scale food production. So it’s all technology? Oh no! Ben also sings in a choir (contemporary), and for relaxation listens to 60’s and 70’s Rock n Roll (Beatles, Clearwater Revival), reads good novels (Jeffrey Archer is his favorite author) and (ahem) books, internet posts and magazine articles on Nuclear Fusion, Particle Physics… |
Meet our volunteers: Ben Loots | Franz Huber | 2021-02-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheelchairs getting deployed in South AfricaYou know that recently we despatched a container load of wheelchairs to South Africa, via the Rotary e-Club of South Africa. Here is some feedback: we received an email from the Rotary Club of Port Alfred, South Africa: We have just taken delivery of 30 wheelchair kits, 20 for Port Alfred and 10 for Rotary Club of Kenton on Sea, (25kms from us along the Eastern Cape coast, halfway between Durban and Cape Town, both surfing centres). We have so far made one prototype this week and were excited to see it taking shape; very simple but clever design, sturdy and manoeuvrable when done. It took us 50 minutes after a couple of false starts but we reckon 25 mins maximum now we know what we are doing! We wanted to bring the story to our local press, our Rotary Africa Magazine and to Facebook so we have looked up the story on your webpage and would now like to Distribution will be handled soon. There is such a need for this sort of robust conveyance that we shall have no difficulty in placing them. We thought of attaching safety belts, have you any ideas about this? Thank you also for the knitted jerseys which we will distribute. Do your Rotary Anns do these? With congratulations on this great project, and best wishes Heather Howard for Rotary Club of Port Alfred. |
Wheelchairs getting deployed in South Africa | Franz Huber | 2021-02-20 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tammy Richie: The Art of Limitless LivingToday, Tammy is an entrepreneur, a motivational speaker, a trainer. She created a training program with the theme of “How to jump over yourself”. She teaches teamwork, how to work together to achieve a better outcome than working individually, how to visualise their aims, how the choices you have made throughout your live affect your future. “But be careful what you ask for though!” Tammy cautioned [haven’t we learned that before - the hard way! Ed.] . Another skill she trains is First Aid. First Aid? “Well no, it’s not sexy” she laconically mentioned. But it is a skill she greatly benefited from when, some 16 years ago, she found her 16 month old toddler son floating face down in her swimming pool. Yes! He survived. Read more about the services Tammy offers on her websites: and or to contact her by email, click here
Tammy Richie: The Art of Limitless Living | Franz Huber | 2021-02-17 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our Volunteers: Bryan TuesleyBorn in 1952, Bryan is a proud third generation Southport citizen. (Yes! In 1920, his grandfather ran the Ferry Service from Carrara to Benowa!) He joined the Gold Coast Bulletin in 1968 as an apprentice. Some 40 years later, when he was forced to retire early due to health issues, he had been the longest serving staff member there. Bryan’s involvement with Rotary goes all the way back some 48 years, to when he met his wife Lesley at a Rotaract event in Brisbane. After some travel through Europe, they became engaged in 1979 and married a year later. Their two daughters are both professionals in Marine Biology and Aged Care respectively. We all know Bryan as a sort of “Volunteer Foreman” at our Project Shed. But what does he do when he is not toiling there every Wednesday and Saturday (and often on other days too)? “I go camping!” he said. “Or I read a good book (Sydney Sheldon and Wilbur Smith are two of his most liked writers), or I listen to “good ol Rock n Roll”, Glen Campbell or… wait for it… Michael Jackson…” [Michael Jackson?? Bad? No, it's Off the Wall, probably Dangerous! What a Thriller! Try and visualise Bryan moonwalking...☺ Ed.] And there is a big goal ahead: to travel our wide brown land! The Caravan is ready to roll… Picture below (provided by Bryan): Tuesley's Broadwater to Tippler's Ferry. ![]() |
Meet our Volunteers: Bryan Tuesley | Franz Huber | 2021-02-14 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surfers Sunrise had two Awardees at this year's RYLA![]() |
Surfers Sunrise had two Awardees at this year's RYLA | Franz Huber | 2021-02-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Briana Dorrough: National Youth Science ForumOur club sponsored her to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF). Normally held in Canberra, this year COVID-19 forced it to go on-line. Still, so Briana enthused, it was very worthwhile indeed! “I found NYSF’s most valuable resource to be their range of STEM experts” she said. Among these were Professor Barry Marshall, Dr Carola Vinuesa and Professor Brian P Schmidt. Both Professors Marshall and Schmidt are Nobel Prize Laureates, Dr. Vinuesa is the co-director of personalised medicine at ANU. Briana made it clear that attending the NYSF is not just about pure science but about live values, such as the value of perseverance. A point in case is Prof Barry Marshall, whose discovery of a cure for duodenal ulcers earned him the Nobel Prize. “There were over 20 years between his original discovery and his receiving of a Nobel Prize”, she said, then cited the Professor: “If you have the facts, you don’t have to worry if nobody believes you.” Question Time, as expected, was boisterous. What are your future plans? she was asked. “I changed my initial intentions of a career in computer science or biomedicals to go for medicine” she said. Other than Science, Briana is involved in the Duke of Edenborough program, studies Literature, High Level Maths, Classical Singing (she participates in the choir), helps in Student Prep and Debating. Briana’s PowerPoint presentation and her corresponding speech is available from the Download Section on the right. You should run the two concurrently, the text shows when to change slides. Photo, from left: President Charles Thomasson, Briana's father Michael Dorrough and Briana Dorrough. |
Briana Dorrough: National Youth Science Forum | Franz Huber | 2021-02-03 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Queuing up at the Australia Day Sizzle![]() |
Queuing up at the Australia Day Sizzle | Franz Huber | 2021-01-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Very special event last Saturday at the Shed![]() ![]() |
Very special event last Saturday at the Shed | Franz Huber | 2021-01-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday 3rd Feb: Briana Dorrough |
This coming Wednesday 3rd Feb: Briana Dorrough | Franz Huber | 2021-01-27 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wheelchairs have arrived in South Africa![]() |
Wheelchairs have arrived in South Africa | Franz Huber | 2021-01-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Wednesday's speakers: Adam Sheppard and Tash PriceLast Wednesday, our new members Adam Sheppard and his business partner Tash Price gave us a good run down of what you can achieve, regardless of your disability. Let’s start with Adam: at 38, is happily married to Christy. They have a beautiful son Fletcher, aged 4. He was introduced to Rotary via RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program for Enrichment) and RYTS (Rotary Youth Transition Seminar) which he attended in 1998. Incidentally, that is where he met his wife… [OK, I've heard some enthusiastic reports from RYTS attendees before, but that takes the cake! ☺ Ed.] Adam has been involved in racing wheelchairs himself, as well as coaching both able bodied and disabled athletes for some 13 years now. Tash is not only his business partner in InvincAble, but he is also her coach. Tash Price not only had to overcome her paraplegia and blindness, but in addition had the challenges of diabetes, gastric paralysis, severe chronic pain and arthritis. That didn’t stop her from taking up wheelchair racing. She owned her racing wheelchair for just six weeks when she took out the Bronze Medal in her first competitive Marathon (yes, it’s 42 Km as well!) in July 2018. OK, go on..! in October 2019 she took out Gold in the Auckland Marathon! Next target: representing Australia at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. I could go on, with heaps of inspirational anecdotes they recounted. But why not check out Adam and Tash’s PDF ‘Meet Team InvincAble’ in the Download Section on the Right. It’s a truly inspiring read and also has some great pictures! Needless to say, we are so stoked to have you both joining Surfers Sunrise Rotary! |
Last Wednesday's speakers: Adam Sheppard and Tash Price | Franz Huber | 2021-01-21 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 20th: Adam Sheppard and Tash Price |
This Wednesday 20th: Adam Sheppard and Tash Price | Franz Huber | 2021-01-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rotaractors make up the numbers at Bunnings BBQ![]() ![]() |
Rotaractors make up the numbers at Bunnings BBQ | Franz Huber | 2021-01-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Join on-line - Rotary Network on National Day![]() You can join the event by registering on this link: |
Join on-line - Rotary Network on National Day | Franz Huber | 2021-01-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ever heard about Rotary Action Groups?Now here I am, a reasonably dedicated and committed Rotarian with almost 34 years of membership under my belt, quietly browsing the January issue of Rotary International’s monthly magazine, now re-branded Rotary Magazine. (Go on, click on the link! It’s very well done, way better than the old fashioned layout of The Rotarian). I was never aware that Rotary Action Groups existed! From Addiction Prevention to Clubfoot [no Henrietta, nothing to do with clubs, nor with people who suffer from "foot in mouth" disease… Ed.], Food Plant Solutions, Hearing, Multiple Scleroris , just to name a few of the 25 groups all up. Well worth your while to browse. And you learn far more than if you hang around Facebook or Twitter… |
Ever heard about Rotary Action Groups? | Franz Huber | 2021-01-06 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
January is Vocational Service MonthJanuary is designated by Rotary International as 'Vocational Service Month'. Last year, Richard Smith spent heaps of time and effort to organise our Excellence in Workmanship Award night. But COVID prevented us to actually run it. We still can't make a decision yet whether we can hold it this year. So, what else can we do to highlight Vocational Service in our club? Well, how about we have a brief 3 minute presentation of 'What's new?' in their profession? Any volunteers? But, on an all encompassing level, the old Rotary Vocational Service Objective is still as relevant in 2021 as it was 20, 50 or 100 years ago:
January is Vocational Service Month | Franz Huber | 2020-12-30 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vale Dr Frank Mouser PHF![]() Our sincere condolences go to the Mouser Family. Today Monday 4th January, Charter Members Peter Morgan and your Editor attended a brief commemorative gathering at Alambie Gardens to celebrate the life of this proverbial Rotarian.
Vale Dr Frank Mouser PHF | Franz Huber | 2020-12-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Christmas Breakfast at Edgewater Restaurant |
Great Christmas Breakfast at Edgewater Restaurant | Franz Huber | 2020-12-16 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
... and there are the LONG Italian Lunches... |
... and there are the LONG Italian Lunches... | Franz Huber | 2020-12-11 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This coming Wednesday: AGM and Planning Meeting
Posted by Franz Huber on Dec 09, 2020
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This coming Wednesday: AGM and Planning Meeting | Franz Huber | 2020-12-08 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet Sasha Kimber, our second RYLA nominee![]() Looking forward to meeting you soon at one of our meetings, Sasha!
Meet Sasha Kimber, our second RYLA nominee | Franz Huber | 2020-12-01 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Farley S Tolpen – MediationLast Wednesday, Farley Tolpen presented on how to stay out of court. A lawyer for 36 years specialising in Mediation, his aim is to resolve a dispute amicably, rather than confrontationally. Why would Mediation work better? Well, for a start, it is faster than litigation, typically completed within 30 days. Therefore, it is less expensive – on average, about 9 hours of his time will sort it out. But most importantly, the outcome is agreed to by both parties, the conflict is resolved and thus there is a high chance that the relationship between the parties is retained and even improved. And all that contributes to you retaining your sanity. There are other benefits: Staying out of court, confidentiality is retained, the process is not intimidating, and your chances of an agreed resolution are around 90%. So how does it work? Initially, there are several serious telephone discussions, individually with both parties, so the Mediator can become totally familiar with each side’s position. All discussions are subject to confidentiality. The aim is to build rapport, to have a clear understanding of each side’s grievances. The Mediator will then arrange pre-mediation meetings, both private and jointly. The aim is to obtain an agreement to mediate. Goals of what each party tries to achieve are set. In addition to the knowledge of the law, a Mediator must master various techniques and skills, particularly in relation to active listening, being non-judgmental, empathetic. As an example, Farley mentioned the 1970’s Detective Show ‘Columbo’: “I don’t quite understand… can you explain that again?” So, instead of saying “See you in court!!”, perhaps think “Let’s call Farley”. Click on this link to go to his website. Photo: Farley accepts his "Speaker's Reward", a uniquely labelled bottle of red, from Gerald East. |
Farley S Tolpen – Mediation | Franz Huber | 2020-11-25 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to Surfers Sunrise, Adam and Tash!This morning, President Charles Thomasson inducted two very special new members into our club: Well, this is real special: while we have, for some 25 years, been involved with "Rough Terrain" wheelchairs for underprivileged children in developing countries (10,000 of them - see below!), this is actually the first time we have members who... USE a wheelchair themselves! Adam and Tash run a business named 'InvincAble Pty Ltd'. Well, the name says it all! We'll have more formal introductions later in the year or early next year, but let me spill some beans just a little bit: Tash Price won the 2019 Auckland Marathon (COVID prevented her from competing there this year) and is the 2020 Queensland State Champion in 100, 200 and 400 metres! And guess who is her trainer? ☺ Great to have you both in our club! Photo: Adam and Tash, with Chairman of the meeting Gerald East and President Charles Thomasson.
Welcome to Surfers Sunrise, Adam and Tash! | Franz Huber | 2020-11-24 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Final Update: Mark Twyford's ride for Misión México![]() ![]() |
Final Update: Mark Twyford's ride for Misión México | Franz Huber | 2020-11-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our RYLA candidate: KJ Jewson![]() Many of you already know Kristen "KJ" Jewson (she prefers to be called "KJ"). Together with her fellow Rotaract members, she is a regular at the Project Shed, working on the Vanuatu project and she has joined our meetings on Wednesday mornings a number of times. KJ will hold the Surfers Sunrise flag at the upcoming Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp at the end of January 2021. This is the introduction she wrote: I'm Kristen, better known to all as Kj. I'm 26, and am in my 7th semester studying Digital Media Production at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven, Germany. My days currently consist of Work, Uni (albeit at 2am), and Rotaract. I'm president of the Rotaract Club Nordwest in Germany, a new member of the Rotaract Club of Burleigh Heads, and am involved in helping the newest club in the district, the Rotaract Club Gold Coast Makers come to life. Through Rotaract I currently have the chance to work on an international project with the Rotary Club Surfers Sunrise to build a hospital annex for clinic on Pentacost Island, Vanuatu. Rotary has been a part of my life since I was 14, I've been to RYPEN, RYTS, Youth Exchange to Germany in 2012, and since then have become a member of Rotex and Rotaract. Due to unforseen circumstances (COVID) I am back in the country for the moment, and RYLA just seemed like the next step. As I'm almost finished Uni, and now need to make the decision as to where I want to work and live in the world; I find myself at a crossroads, and think RYLA could possibly give me some clarity for the future, so I can't wait to go! |
Meet our RYLA candidate: KJ Jewson | Franz Huber | 2020-11-22 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This Wednesday 25th Nov: Farley S Tolpen
He will speak on the topic of "Mediation - How and Why it Works". Farley advised that he will "make it interactive, with humour and some stories". Looking forward to it! |
This Wednesday 25th Nov: Farley S Tolpen | Franz Huber | 2020-11-21 14:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meet our volunteers: Ron Crook![]() |