We have projects happening right now that need your help.
You can help either as a volunteer at our Project Shed in Arundel, or by becoming a Rotarian.
Many of our Service Projects require manpower and this includes non-Rotarians. In other words you do necessarily need to be a member of a Rotary Club. At Surfers Sunrise we have a core group of volunteers achieving great outcomes at our Project Shed in Arundel. These volunteers are supporting our Wheelchair Project every Saturday morning as time permits. Not just will you make a difference to a crippled child in a developing nation, but you'll join a great bunch of people, lots of laughter and banter...
Look at our past projects or current ones to see what we have done and are continuing to here on the Gold Coast and overseas. If you are interested in helping out, use our contact us and let us know.
Check out our current and past projects:
- Since its inception in 1996, almost 11,000 wheelchairs were manufactured at our Project Shed.
Those wheelchairs are made by using the frames etc of old bicycles, add a plywood platform, wheels that are suitable for rough conditions etc, then are sent to disadvantaged communities throughout the world, particularly the Pacific Rim nations and Africa. We can make a wheelchair for less than $150.00! Lots of third parties are involved and helping too, from other Rotary Clubs to Men's Sheds and even a prison!
- Restoration and re-deployment of donated bicycles in working order (or, sometimes, we make one bike out of three...). These are then distributed or sold for a nominal amount to underprivileged children on the Gold Coast.
- Lots of interaction with various Rotary World Community Service (RAWCS) projects, including Rotary's Donations in Kind project. For example, Qantas has donated some 10,000 blankets. We are organizing the distribution to various countries (yes, including Homeless Youth in Australia)
- School and Play Gym in Thailand, following the devastating tsunami on Boxing Day 2004
- Primary School on Mataaf'a Island, Samoa, following the 2009 Earthquake and tsunami in 2009
- House Of Hope, Apia, Samoa - a house for abused and orphaned children
- Samoan Victims Support Group Classroom, Apia, Samoa
- X-Ray Unit and Blood Analyser Annex to Mauna Hospital on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu. 2020 - 23 (to be erected on site August 2023).
hoto right: X-Ray Unit for Vanuatu was built at our project shed, then disassembled and shipped in containers to the site on Pentecost Island, 500 Km north of Port Vila